Chapter Thirty

247 17 4

Got excited Double Update🥺💞
Erika's POV:

Layla led me into what I guessed was her office and I sat on the couch. She went to her desk and began pulling out a bunch of folders and things.

"While I'm away you will become a second in command of mine. Roxy is another second in command she can help with the next part of the plan." She said, sliding everything towards me. I flicked through the dozens of pictures, texts, emails, and a bunch of other things.

"Well uh. First of all. Why me for second in command and second of all, what's all this?" I asked. She paused behind her desk, then began pulling up boxes of more things.

"Because you were a pet of the CEO family. You might have insider information that nobody else has plus special evidence. And this stuff? All evidence. There's tons of more boxes scattered around the HQ in case we get invaded." She explained. My eyes widened.

"Holy shit. You've been busy. Wait what about Eve?" I said. She pulled up the last box and turned to face me.


"Eve. The girl that came with me. What happens to her.". She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I..all 'pets' are gonna be returned to their own families. So she will go back to her family and once your part of the plan is over you go find yours" She explained. I nodded slowly.

"Pick up the boxes we gotta bring them to the trucks. They'll take you and whoever you pick to go with you to the docks. Then the boats will take you to the USA. Go to the police and tell them you have a way into the island and show them the evidence. Maya won't have enough time to lock the docks down so a significant amount should get in. Then the rest is history. Oh and at around 6:30pm I'm sending out a computer virus to freeze all of Mother's tech." She said. I grabbed three boxes and followed.

We put the boxes into the trucks and strapped them down. Layla had me fitted with a black combat uniform with black combat boots. Thankfully Layla picked who would go with me herself before hopping in a car and speeding off to save the love of her life. I met up with Roxy to figure out what else I had to do.

"Home stretch girl. You'll be home in no time" She assured me as we walked towards the car we had to ride in. Before climbing in I stopped and pulled a guard closer to me.

"When Eve wakes up. Tell her I left to save us all alright? I know cheesy as shit but I can't think of anything else" I told her. She nodded and gave me a thumbs up and a playing smile. I stepped into the car and slammed the door. Let's hope I don't regret this.

(Time Skip)

Layla's POV:

I probably broke several speed limits and could definitely lose control and kill myself. But none of that mattered. Scarlett was in trouble.

It didn't take me long to get to the house. I pulled up and the guards immediately drew their guns. Leaping out of the car I drew Kion's knife and went to town. I was being fueled by pure rage and adrenaline. Easily disbatching the outside guards I rushed inside and took out the three at the elevator. The secretary desk remained empty. I unlocked the elevator and rode it all the way up to the penthouse. Once those doors opened i was slammed against the wall by another guard. These ones wore greyish combat uniforms and were a lot bigger.

My punches and kicks weren't doing much and my knife was tossed to the side downstairs. I was outnumbered and overpowered but I kept pushing. I grabbed anything I could use as a weapon and was slowly but surely running out of objects. Until a gunshot went off and everyone froze.

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