Chapter Five

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Sky's POV:

"Sky. Absolutely not"

I frowned and crossed my arms, putting a pout on my face. Maya raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes.

"No Sky"

"Why not!" I protested. "She looks way too much like Erika. Too much of a reminder. Why can't we just get her another one? That doesn't have red hair and a blue eye?". Maya collectively sighed and finally shut her laptop.

"She's not Erika. And they aren't even related. It's a genetic disorder or something. She's still got a green eye. Layla seems to like her. We're looking for Erika, she's good at hiding apparently. You'll feel better when she's standing under you." She said. I could tell from her tone she didn't want to keep talking about it, so I shut up and nodded. She went back to working and I sat there just staring at her.

Maya Redd was getting old.

Her hair was already greying and she wasn't as quick on her feet like she used to be. But she didn't seem to notice. She acted relatively normal. But what made her seem different was the file she kept hidden.

A year ago she arrived home with a black folder, stuffed with papers. She put it down and immediately went to get a drink. I tried to open it and she almost slapped me, but stopped herself. She apologized and told me it was important business. So I just let it go. But it's been a year and it's still been here. I asked again about it a few times but she'd just call it "business" or say nothing at all and glare at me.

So I gave up.

I said goodbye and left the office room, walking down to my own. Maya's building looked exactly the same from my time as a pet here. A pang of sadness hit me when I remembered taking Sage to the pool with me. Where we met those other two girls. I was bold enough to go to their Master and ask what happened to them but from the looks of young looking pet leashed to his desk I already knew. Gone.
I still got weird looks a lot and some Owners would even demand I prove I really was one of them and not a runaway. There isn't even a way to prove it.

I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby.

I wonder what happened to Tiana..

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

I dropped the plate, the echo of the broken pieces scattering everywhere sounded through the house. Jasmine rushed into the kitchen and sighed.

"That plate is probably more expensive than you! How are you so clumsy?" She snapped. She praised Zane's pet, who I found out her name was Everly. Jasmine was quick to cut in that I couldn't call her by her real name around our Owners. Speaking of Jasmine, glancing over my shoulder I saw she had left.

I finished the dishes as fast as I could then sat down for a break. Ava slunk out from what seemed like the shadows and kindly told me I had to tidy my owner's room. I was ready to explode.

Cooking, Cleaning, Organizing what's next cleaning the tile floors with a toothbrush?

I frowned and got up.

"Didn't you already clean it? This morning? I saw you" I protested. Ava shrugged.

"Yes. But you check. If something wrong you get trouble" She tried to explain. I sighed and walked off to Layla's room. It looked pretty spotless, save for the tray on the desk. I sighed again and went to pick it up. There was still plenty of food on it and it smelled good.

Maybe one bite won't hurt


I rolled my eyes and turned around. Jasmine had her arms crossed.

"Don't you dare. When your owner returns then you can eat. If she feeds you. Don't be greedy. Put that in the fridge then wash the tray" She snapped. Then she left. I tightened my grip on the tray to stop myself from doing something stupid.

Hurry back. I'm so sick of this

(Time Skip)

Layla's POV:

"That'll be $150,266. Is there anything else you'd like to pick up?" The cashier asked. I nodded and handed her my card. I had picked up Scarlett her own catsuit and some more heels, plus a variety of other clothes for around the house. I walked out of the store and out of the mall doors to the car. Climbing in, I ordered the driver to take me home and decided to check and see what Scarlett was doing. When I pulled up her location it showed her in my room on the floor. She didn't seem to be doing much of anything.

When we pulled up to the house I jumped out and told the driver to take the rest of the day off. Pulling open the door I quickly walked to the elevators and pressed the button for my house. As soon as the elevator doors opened I was met by Jasmine. Ava was asleep on the couch.

"Hey. How is she?" I asked. Jasmine grimaced.

"She's kinda like Erika. Partially listens to things or doesn't listen at all." She replied. I sighed.

"Why does everyone say that..I doubt my pet will end up being a murderer like her" I said quickly. Jasmine bit her lip and looked away at that. I took that as the end of the conversation and pushed past her to walk to my room. She grabbed my arm before I could walk away.

"Listen. I know how you are about pets. At least show her how to fake it. Because Sky is not happy about her and would be glad to get rid of her" She whispered. I stopped to process what she just said, then shimmied my arm out of her grip and walked off.

Opening the door to my room caused Scarlett to look up. She sighed and stood up, glaring at me.

"You have to FEED me. This is so stupid. All of it. I'm a person you can't own people anymore! It's ILLEGAL." She exploded out before I could even open my mouth. I shook my head and handed her the bag. She took it and glanced at the bag, then back at me.

"What's this?"

"Your catsuit. I got it. Put it so Jasmine can have hers back" I said. She raised an eyebrow. I sighed heavily.

"Alright listen. I'm not thrilled either. But in public if you don't do or say what I tell you to say, you'll get in trouble. They can and will try to punish you and I can only step in a couple times before they start sending complaints to my Mother. And trust me I can't save you from her. So let's make a deal". Scarlett hesitantly nodded.

"What's the deal" She muttered.

"In this room. You're not my 'pet' you're my friend. You can call me Layla and what's mine is yours. Outside of this room, you are my pet. You have to call me Mistress and you cannot hesitate if I tell you to do something. Got it?" I said briskly. Scarlett nodded again. Then picked up the bag and went into the bathroom.

I so hope she can handle herself under pressure.

Happy Thursday! Update today as usual. Thx for reading 💞

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