Epilouge (Part 1)

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(2 years later from the Island Raid)
Scarlett's POV:

"Is this your last suitcase?" Mom asked, hauling the worn black suitcase I've had for years out through the garage into the driveway. I loaded one of the last duffel bags into the car and grabbed the suitcase.

"Trunk is full!" I announced, just as Dad was coming out with two more bags. I was bringing a lot of stuff with me to College. He and Mom began getting the rest of the bags into the back seat.

"Oh honey. I'm so proud of you! Getting into Stanford University!" Mom gushed, coming over to trap me into another hug. I smiled, hugging her tightly.

"I'll miss you" I whispered. Dad had loaded the last of the bags into the backseat, then double checked that none were covering the back window. He came over to us and joined in on our little family hug.

"No hug for me?"

I broke away from my family, whipping around. A woman stood there, dressed in a thick black coat,
matching skinny jeans and boots. My eyes widened when I recognized who it was.

"Layla?" She smiled. I rushed over and hugged her tightly. After the hospital visit two years ago, she had taken me home then disappeared. No contact. No calls, emails, letters. Nothing. I shoved her back and gave her a weak punch to the arm.

"Where have you been!" I demanded. She chuckled and gently moved my hair out of my face.

"Busy. There's a lot of people who participated in Maya's island slavery. Had to visit the courts multiple times, hand over my tech to help get the collars off. And using my newly gained fortune to fund everyone's lifetime therapy." She explained. Fresh tears stung my eyes. I had heard about the foundation she created to help those enslaved by the island adjust to normal life again. It had a mere 64% success rate.

Some people just couldn't adjust and in the end, took their own lives. It was all over the news nearly everyday for months. Another girl dead, Another boy calling his own Father 'Master'. The parents had hard times accepting their kids back with how different they were. They were used to being ordered around, especially the ones that worked. I heard that the ones forced to be waitresses for years would try to go back to work, but refuse their paychecks since they were used to getting no money for their work.

The pregnant ones had it the worst. They were terrified to have their kids, only for their owners to rip it away if they didn't like how it looked. Once back in the USA that paranoia lead to some going crazy, crazy enough to fight their doctors and have panic attacks the closer they get to their due dates. Some were lucky and were able to get abortions when in the early stage. But the thought of having a child still haunted them.

"So..what are you doing here?" I asked. Her smile grew impossibly bigger.

"I'm here for you." She replied. My breath hitched.


"Because I love you! I love you to the ends of the earth and back. I did everything for those who were subject to the torture Maya created, which includes you. I love you Scarlett" She said. I noticed her eyes watered a bit, but no tears fell. I was taken aback.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked, pulling out a small box from her pocket and handing it to me. I blushed, adjusting my coat and taking off my gloves to help open the box. Inside was a beautiful and very expensive looking gold necklace. It was a heart surrounded by what looked like diamonds with my name expertly written in the neatest cursive I've ever seen. My eyes widened.

"I...Layla...I'm going to college..I can't take this!" I protested. She giggled and wiped her eyes with her coat sleeve.

"I know. That's why I bought the University you're attending. Just to help watch" She said. I burst out laughing.

"You can't be serious. Why waste money on buying an entire University just to watch a necklace?" I teased. She stepped closer.

"Because I'd do anything if it meant being with you" She replied.

Then she kissed me.

My eyes widened in shock, but ultimately fell closed, accepting it. She pulled away after about a minute, searching my face for a hint of disgust or uncomfortableness. I smiled at her and hers returned.

"Layla. I...Yes. Yes I'll be your girlfriend" I said. She squealed, jumping up and down and clapping her hands like a child. My parents both Aww'd. That's when she pulled out an envelope.

"Here. This is for you guys. Scarlett, I'll see you at school" She said with a wink, handing it to me. I tucked the necklace box into my coat and handed the envelope to my parents. My Dad got it open.

"Holy Cow, Scarlett come look at this!" He said. His blue eyes were nearly popping out of his head. Mom had a hand over her mouth, her eyes looking from Layla to whatever the envelope had. I walked over.

Dad was holding a check. For 20 million dollars. I gasped and looked at Layla, who smiled.

"For your troubles. And hers of course." She said. Then she turned, about to leave. I rushed over to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"That is way too much money. We can't accept that" I hissed. She laughed and kissed me again, playing with my hair slightly.

"No it's most definitely not. I have more money than I can count. Might as well use it. I'll see you later Scarlett" She said, pulling away. She walked across the street and got into a black truck with tinted windows. Seconds later it pulled away from the curb and raced down our street, pulling onto the next one and disappearing. I pulled out the box and stared at it. My heart fluttered.

She asked me out.

(Time Skip)

Layla's POV:

I forced myself to not look back. But I was beaming. She had said yes. And accepted my gift.

"Really? 20 million?" Roxy snapped from the passenger seat. I snorted, stopping at a stop light and briefly glancing at her. She was once again dressed in all white, a thick white coat with matching jeans and thigh high boots. She looked back at me and rolled her eyes.

"I love her. Plus I owe her for all the times I had to call her my 'pet' and walk her around on a leash like a dog. She took a bullet for me." I snapped back. Roxy chuckled, crossing her arms.

"So you love someone stupid?" The next stoplight we hit I reached over and punched her on the arm. She hit me back and a mini punching war started until the light turned green. We laughed.

"No. I love someone who's brave or selfless. She was ready to hand that money back if I asked I could tell. She's going to college, getting a degree. And I was MIA for 2 years. She deserves it." I said after a bit of silence. Roxy frowned.

"You did tell her what you did for those two years right?" She asked. I stayed silent. She laughed and looked out the window.

"She's gonna find out the truth soon enough Layla. And she's gonna know you lied to her." She warned. I gripped the heated steering wheel a bit tighter.

"I know. I know. But she doesn't need to know. At least not right now. Not until everything blows over." I snapped, indicating I didn't want to talk about it. She sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"Your funeral".

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