Chapter Six

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Scarlett's POV:


This ridiculous suit came with gloves. Black stretchy gloves.

Jasmine said it's because they suddenly didn't like us leaving fingerprints everywhere. But Ava said it's for convenience so we don't burn our hands or something. Don't know don't care.

The catsuit was tight and pretty revealing. Looking in the mirror made me feel sick.

I'd kill for a pair of jeans right now

"Are you gonna stare at it all day? I swear the novelty wears off after like a day" Jasmine jokingly said. I turned to look at her and rolled my eyes.

"No. It's just. Tight. Why do we have to wear this? I'm not leaving the house today. Not that I know of. Can't I just wear some shorts and a t-shirt?" I practically begged. I groaned when she shook her head.

Great. Now what the hell do I do?

"Scarlett" Layla called from the kitchen. I'm resisted the urge to just yell what did she want and instead just settled for an eye roll.

Walking into the kitchen I found Layla leaning against the counter with a heavy looking textbook and a notebook. She looked up when I walked in.

"Good. I need your help" She said. I glanced back to see if either of the other girls were close by. Then snickered.

"You need help with your homework? Aren't you supposed to be like some child protege or something." I said. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Ask your collar"

"What? Why? Ask it what?"

"Because I need help and using your pet isn't cheating. So say what's the square root of 2,375"

"Wow thanks. I'm a calculator now"


"Fine Fine. Hey Siri what's the square root of the number 2,375?"

'The Square root of 2375 is 5/95'

"There. Was that so hard?" She said with a hint of a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's at least move to the living room. My feet are starting to hurt" I said. She chuckled and grabbed her books, handing yet another textbook she seemed to pull from nowhere to me.

Only temporary. Only Temporary

(Time Skip)

Sky's POV:

The elevator doors dinged and slid open, giving way to the kitchen and living room. Layla stood up from the couch and I smiled. My smile dropped a bit once I saw Scarlett get up and follow her. Her leash was dangling from her neck and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Mother" Layla said, coming closer and giving me a hug. I hugged her right back and Jasmine appeared alongside Ava, waiting for instruction. I thought for a moment as I hugged my daughter back then smirked.

"I'll take you and Zane's pet. I need to go on a shopping trip. I'll have them back later don't worry" I said as I pulled away. Layla glanced at Scarlett, then sighed. Jasmine went to get Zane's pet. The shy little brown haired girl appeared in front of me in minutes, obediently handing over her leash. I smirked and held my hand out to Scarlett, who looked confused.

"Wow you didn't punish her enough" I said. I took out my phone and scanned her collar, binding it to my phone. When the pain settings came up I pressed level three and she yelped in pain.

"Leash. Now" I snapped. Scarlett's mismatched eyes flashed with anger before she picked her leash up and dropped it in my hand. I patted her on the head.

"Good girl. Jasmine stay with my daughter. Ava when my son stay with him"

Both girls nodded and I smiled, walking back to the elevator. As we waited for it to come up I turned to Zane's pet.

"What's your name?" I asked. She mumbled something, her eyes glued to the floor. I rolled my eyes.

"Speak up!"

"Everly. Mistress." She squeaked. The elevator doors opened and I pulled them both into the elevator with me. Scarlett seemed content with looking everywhere but me. I left her alone. Once we got downstairs I walked up to the guy outside and requested a car I could drive. In no less than 10 minutes, a car pulled up to the lot. The driver jumped out and held the door open for me to get in. Another one held the back doors open for the girls to climb in. I gestured to Scarlett and they blocked her from going. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You just said I was going with you" She snapped. The people around her shared surprised looks. I sighed heavily and motioned for her to be put in the front with me. They shoved her in and slammed the door shut. One of the men gave me a thumbs up and I pulled away from the side of the road.

"You. Are a piece of work aren't you?" I said to her. She didn't answer, choosing to cross her arms and stare at the road. Everly stayed absolutely quiet. I giggled and focused on the road.

Soon we arrived at the mall and as soon as I unlocked the doors Scarlett got out. She must of been carsick. Everly waited until I was out to get out. I looked both girls up and down. Both had on the catsuits and both had their hair up. Both came with black gloves, the newer version that was just sent out yesterday.

Truth be told I took them to the mall to help me with my shopping. But also to test how well they acted. So far Everly looked to be in the lead. I frowned when I looked at Scarlett once more. Her mismatched eyes looked back curiously. I folded my arms and glared. She took the hint and finally dropped her gaze. I huffed and made sure to yank both leashes, causing both girls to fall in behind me.

We got inside the mall and I decided to go to the first department store near the entrance. Since stores counted as inside I took off Everly's leash, knowing the small shy girl would follow me regardless. Scarlett paused to see if hers would be off too, then scowled.

"First up. Shirts"

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

Sky led us around the door for what felt like hours. Well, led me. Everly seemed a little happier to be able to simply follow. I could only pause when she paused and when I didn't, she'd yank my leash. I hated this. And I hated her.

"How's this one?" She said, holding up a navy blue and white dress. Everly was quick to comment about how pretty it was while I just stayed silent. It was the 11th dress she had picked up. And out of that 11 she only picked two to buy. Usually she'd just go with Everly's answer then choose to take it or not herself. But this time she looked at me and gave my leash a tug. I took that as I needed to answer.

"Looks great." I said, lying through my teeth. I wasn't a dresses type. They all looked ugly to me. The prices were ridiculously high for a department store. One pair of nice shoes here was almost 2 thousand dollars.

Where am I?

"Excuse me?" I heard her say, snapping me back to reality. I looked at her confused, wondering what I did wrong. She waited for a few minutes until it was clear I really didn't know what she wanted me to do. With a roll of my eyes she pulled me closer.

"I'm Mistress to you. So it's "Looks great. MISTRESS". Really. Looks great is all you've got? You're terrible at this" She snapped. She let me go and pushed me away.

"Sorry. Mistress" I said just loud enough for her to hear. She snorted and ignored me. I sighed.

Let's just hope we're back by dinner.

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