Chapter Thirty One

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Layla's POV:

I found a knife and managed to pry Scarlett's collar and bracelets off once again. The needles were thankfully still retracted and she told me Zane hadn't ever really shocked her, just a lot of kicking, punching and starvation.

Next order of business was getting out of here. Since the basement was basically the second floor to the penthouse punching out a window and climbing down wasn't an option. And after inspecting the room again I found that there weren't any windows in the first place. I went upstairs and tried the door, locked.

"I can maybe pick the lock but I need something sharp and narrow. Like maybe.."

"You know the key is just lying here right?" Scarlett said from a nearby table. She waved the silver key around and laughed when I stomped over and snatched it from her.

"It's not even gonna be the right key Scarlett. Who's dumb enough to leave.." The key turned in the lock and the door unlocked. I glared back at her and she busted out laughing.

We slunk our way upstairs. The house at first glance looked empty. I kept her behind me and led the way down the hall, checking rooms. Mother's and Maya's room was empty. Zane's was empty. Even the spare room was empty. The last place to check was Maya's Office.

Her desk was bare, which was already a not good sign. The filing cabinets were empty and overturned, like someone was rushing to get everything. I checked her desk, which was empty of everything but a couple stacks of paper and some colored pencils in the bottom right.

"Layla.." Scarlett called, nudging something with her heeled foot. I came over and bent down, using a pen to pick through whatever it was.

"Burned paper. She burned something here." I replied. One picture at the bottom was only half burned, and I picked it up. It was of a girl with startling blue eyes and blonde hair. On the back was I guessed her name, partially burned away. E...Erika? How many pets did she own?

I tried to rifle through the pile but the rest was unreadable and unrecognizable. Sighing, I dropped the picture back into the pile and stood up.

"We need to go now. The Raid is happening soon and I need to get to a laptop" I said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the office with me. We hurried to the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. Once those doors opened again I jumped out first, checking the area. Nobody yet again. I ushered Scarlett outside.

My car was unsurprisingly, gone. Rushing to the parking garage I was relieved to see Mother's was still there, a sleek black Range Rover. I rushed over to it and opened the door for Scarlett before climbing into the driver's seat. Rifling through the compartments produced a set of spare keys. I started the car and pulled out of the parking garage.

"Where are we going?" Scarlett asked as I turned onto the the road the hit the gas.

"The one place Maya would definitely go. Mother told me about it." I replied. She frowned.

"And where's that?"

"Her office building.".

(Time Skip)

Erika's POV:

"The FBI has reported that a mysterious Island, owned by famous billionaire Arthur Redd turned out to be a playground for the rich and the famous. And Human trafficking. Evidence produced by an unknown source depicts gruesome and heartbreaking images of mostly young women and the occasional young men being forced to become 'pets' to the elite.." The Tv clicked off and I frowned, turning to look at Roxy. She was once again in a fresh new white jumpsuit and had an identical frown on her face.

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