Chapter Twenty Eight

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Shit just got serious. Happy Early Thanksgiving for those who celebrated it. Couldn't finish this chapter yesterday so pretend today is Thursday.
Layla's POV:

I cried for hours.

I curled myself into the bed and just cried. I'd never see Scarlett again. I'd never hear her smart ass comments or her cute snort laughter. Cute?

"Layla. I brought you food. Hospital food sucks." I heard Mother say. I hadn't even heard her approach. I smelled the fast food through the glass and my stomach growled, but I ignored it. I heard her talking to someone else and then the bag was handed off. A guard opened the door and placed the bag on the desk, slamming it shut again quickly. I sat up and glared at Mother without a word. She gave me a pained smile.

I ended up eating the food, mostly because I couldn't take the biting hunger any longer. But I never once looked at Mother or talked to her. After a while she got the hint that I wasn't going to talk to her and left with strict orders to give me anything I wanted, within reason. Once I finished my food it was back into bed.

I couldn't sleep. Not without Scarlett's peaceful night sighs and the frequent times when she's accidentally roll closer to me and I'd get to cuddle her. Breakfast time I always loaded my plate and ate a little just to give her the rest. Practically starved myself in the morning.

I stood up and went over to the door, banging on it. A guard opened it immediately, blocking the entire doorway in case I decided to try to run. I rolled my eyes.

"I can have anything I want right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He slowly nodded.

"Within reason Miss Layla".

"Good. I want a shopping trip. This room is too plain.". He looked surprised by that request. Holding up a finger he called Mother to see if that request was acceptable.

"You cannot leave the room but tell me what you want to get, I'll get it for you" He said after the ending the call. He sounded pissed that he had to basically become my personal assistant. No wait, my pet.

I smiled wide and he pulled out a little notepad as I began telling him what I wanted. This better work.

(Time Skip)
Erika's POV:

We drove for hours. We had no clue where we were and soon our faces would be plastered all over. We needed an exit and we needed one now.

"Hey Erika..." Eve said. Her eyes were wide with fear. I followed her gaze and cursed, instinctively flinching and waiting for a PG-13 shock. Up ahead was, nothing. Just a sign that read off that this was the edge of the island. I swore as she turned the car and pulled into the lot of an abandoned building. Turning the car off she sat back with a sigh.

"What the hell are we gonna do now. Can't go into the city because our faces are gonna be on every damn billboard. Sneaking onto a boat isn't gonna work they're all locked down. We're screwed" I said, digging my nails into the seat out of frustration.

"There's got to be another way. We can't end up stuck here. We'll die, or worse." Eve said, getting out of the car and slamming the door. I watched her walk to the edge and just stare out at the Sea, her blonde hair blowing in the wind. She shivered and crossed her arms to keep herself warm. I frowned and searched the car, coming up with a thick black blanket from the trunk. I exited the car and went over to her, draping it over her shoulders. She giggled and scooted over so I could stand next to her under it too. We fell silent.

"I will not let you die here. I swear it." I whispered, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead. She smiled and sat up, kissing me fully. When she pulled away her eyes widened and she jumped back. I whipped around to see what she was looking at.

"Hands up. Slowly. Drop the blanket." A girl dressed in all white ordered. She was pointing a gun at us, and so were the 6 other men behind her. So arguing was out of the question. I shrugged the blanket off of both of us and threw it at her feet, putting my hands up. Eve mirrored me, looking scared.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at their uniforms more closely. There was no sign of a seal or anything. Were they Maya's security? Where did they come from?

"Who we are doesn't matter. Who you two are does. What are you doing out here?" The girl snapped. Eve sighed from beside me.

"We escaped from Master Luke's house. Took the car and just drove. Stopped here because it was the end of the island. Haven't found out a way out yet. So we're stuck" She explained softly. They immediately dropped their guns and the girl lunged forward, grabbing us both.

"Holy shit you two are runaways? Come on hurry up before a drone sees you and decides to bomb the place." She hissed, hurrying us along. One guard got into the car and screeched off. Me and Eve shared a look of surprise. Who are these people?

"Who are you guys?" I asked. The girl in all white finally let us go in front of the hospital's old underground parking garage door and pulled out her phone. My question made her pause and flash me a quick smile.

"Welcome to the Resistance.".

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

Eventually Zane got bored of kicking me around and dragged me up to his room, shoving me onto Everly's old pillow. Zane's girl, who I found out was Kitty, sat next to him on his bed while he did some work from his Mom. From the sounds I was glad I didn't have a clear view.

While being ignored I began checking myself for damages as best as I could. There were definitely bruises and a few welts spread out around my body. Nothing too serious. So far.

"Comfortable down there whore?" He called, followed by Kitty's annoying giggle. I sat up and glared at him. My muscles screamed at me to lay back down and rest while I could but I stubbornly ignored it.

"Oh very much. The view is even better down here. I don't have to see you or your human slave's faces." I replied smugly. The slam of his laptop had me instantly worried. Reaching around, I felt him grab my hair and yank me up to my feet. Then he punched me in the stomach. I cried out and fell to the floor, clutching my stomach and nearly throwing up. Shit that hurts. He hits hard.

He kicked me again, then again, then again. 4 more times before he started sweating and ordered Kitty to get him some water. While she was gone he pulled me up painfully by the collar and slammed me against the wall, making sure to pin my hands together behind my back. He pressed a button and the bracelets stuck to the wall, effectively trapping me there. His hand ran over my body and he smirked.

"It's a shame you weren't mine. I'd of taken you all day, everyday. I bet you're still a Virgin thanks to my 'sibling'." Zane spat, kissing down my neck through the catsuit. I spat in his face and kicked his leg hard. Just as Kitty walked back in with his water and a snack for her. The smell from the bowl in her hand made my mouth water and my stomach growl loudly. They giggled.

"Maybe I should take care of your little problem, he said, trailing a finger down my stomach and giving me a suggestive smile. I shot him the most disgusted look I could muster in return and he laughed and began taking off his belt. That got me scared. Kitty giggled as he took it off and pulled it tight.

"If this doesn't work. I'll just whip you. Mom bought some new ones. Including a nice bullwhip. We're going to have so much fun today. Soon you'll forget all about that spoiled bitch. Now count" He said, reeling his hand back. I closed my eyes tightly and braced for the sharp pain.

Layla where are you? Please save me. I don't want to die here.

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