Chapter Twenty One

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Scarlett's POV:

The next day was a Thursday, back to school. I was left in the room and she went to class. The mystery girl from before was nowhere to be found and it didn't look like I'd find her anytime soon. There wasn't much to do other than sit around and read books. Right now I was currently flicking through A Dog's Purpose for the 2nd time, rubbing my forehead out of boredom. It was nearly lunch time and my stomach growled in anticipation.

Bing! Bing! Bing!

I put the book back on the shelf and made my way to the door. Not in the mood to be jostled left and right I stood and waited for everyone who was allowed to leave to do so before going myself. The hallway was nearly bare, save for a few teachers that shot me weird and annoyed looks and the occasional student carrying books around. I decided to just lose myself in my thoughts, wanting to find Layla quickly so I could eat. Breakfast this morning had been a small unfulfilling bagel she managed to pick up before 1st period started. The cashier seemed surprised when Layla had handed the food to me and I just took a bite.

Lemme guess, pets usually get to lick the wrapper after instead. Fuck this place.

I turned the corner and slammed straight into another collar wearing girl. She managed to keep her balance but the books she was holding scattered across the floor.

"Crap crap crap" I heard her mutter as she tucked her black hair behind her ears and raced to pick them all back up. I picked up an AP chemistry textbook that ended up by my foot and held it out to her.

"Sorry. Didn't see you coming. Are you alright?" I asked. She snatched the book from me and huffed.

"First I get dragged to a school with some brat because she wanted a 'companion' for one freaking period and now I'm her personal walking bookshelf. This day just keeps getting better and better" She snapped. I frowned and picked up the last book that had ended up by a locker, AP Italian this time. Once she stood up I realized just how tall she really was. Might be the heels.

Her brown eyes searched me curiously. Giving me a once over.

"Woah you look like m...I mean. What's your name? I'm uh..Harley." She said, sticking out one hand and balancing the books with her other. I quickly shook it before she dropped anything else.

"I'm Scarlett. Who's your owner? Mine's Layla Redd" I said, using the standard question. The deepest frown appeared on her face all of a sudden.

"Layla Redd..? They have another daughter?!" She hissed. I hesitantly nodded. What's she so pissed off about?. Our collars beeped at the same time.

'Your Mistress is urgently calling you' Siri said. She gave both of us directions and a time limit. I had nearly 10 minutes and the girl had 3 minutes and 15 seconds. She shot me a small smile before turning and scurrying away past me down the hall.

That was weird. What did she mean they had another daughter?

Now that I thought about it, she did look older than me. I'd say around 26. Extra weird.

I arrived at the cafeteria and quietly picked my through to our table. Layla was sitting there typing furiously on her laptop. She glanced up when I approached.

"Where were you? Are you okay? On the map it says you stopped in the hallway for a while. Did you get stopped by a guard?" She fired off questions like bullets. I shook my head and sat down, picking up a chip and eating it.

"I'm fine. Ran into a girl and caused her to drop her books so I helped her pick them up. We talked for a little bit. She said some weird stuff though, like when I mentioned you were my 'owner' she said they have another daughter, like in question form, and didn't seem to know you. Aren't you popular here for being Maya Redd's daughter?" I explained. Now she was frowning and had stopped typing.

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