Chapter Twenty Seven

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Layla's POV:

I don't remember falling asleep. After the search for my laptop yielded nothing I sat on the bed while Scarlett slept. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. Nothing bothered her. I went and ordered for some food to be brought to me since I was starving. Funny enough it was Zane's New Girl who delivered me breakfast. At 3am. I ended up just drinking the Apple Juice and eating bits and pieces, eventually pushing the tray away.

I don't remember going back to bed. I don't remember sleeping. What happened?

My eyes shot open and I sat up. I was in a white hospital bed. The walls were painted white and only one was glass, revealing the inside of a hospital. What the hell?

I looked around the room. There was a small white desk and a white dresser with a mirror. Other than that the room was empty. I glanced at myself in the mirror then stopped dead. Around my neck was a silver collar. There weren't any buttons anywhere and I didn't have bracelets.

I heard the sound of people approaching my room, mumbling amongst themselves. A few people in lab coats stopped in front of my window and were tapping something off to the side.

"Vitals stable. She's awake Miss Redd" One said into a walkie talkie. My blood ran cold and I forced myself to keep calm. Who am I kidding. Mom would drown me for free.

I turned away and sat on the bed, struggling to come up with a plan. There was nothing in the room I could use as a potential weapon. I was screwed.

Where is Scarlett?

"Layla? Sweetheart?" I recognized Mother's gentle voice but this time I couldn't be swayed by it. I leapt to my feet and whipped around to her standing there. She had a pained look on her face and was holding an iPad.

"Where the hell am I? What did you do with Scarlett?" I demanded. She managed a small smile.

"Layla listen. You're safe and that's what matters. I can't let you out of here. Not until everything blows over." She said. I rolled my eyes and gave a dry chuckle.

"Why? Because Mom will kill me? She'd leap at the chance to get rid of me. Where. Is. Scarlett?" I snarled, banging my fist against the glass. It ricocheted off of it easily and I nearly fell back.

"Upgraded Bulletproof Glass. It'll take a tank to break it please don't try. Your Mom let me deal with you instead. This, is a lot better than dying or being sold as a pet. I saved you." She replied as calmly as possible and gesturing to my room. I could tell she wasn't going to budge about Scarlett so I dropped it much to my reluctance.

"Why do I have a collar around my neck? Where am I? I asked with a sigh. She glanced at the iPad as I pulled on the thing around my neck, trying to force my finger into the very small space I managed to open.

"It's a medical collar, to check your vitals. Don't worry it can't shock you. It's better than hooking you up to a bunch of machines" She explained. I continued fiddling with it. "Stop moving it! It'll get the readings wrong".

I stopped messing with it and we just stared at each other. Mother looked distressed. She checked her iPad multiple times before sighing and pressing something on the touch screen on the wall.

"I'll come back later I have to get some work done. Your Mom is taking care of Scarlett." She said. My eyes widened and I started frantically beating on the glass. Tears ran down my face but I ignored them.

"No.No! Mom will kill her! You can't let her kill her!" I screamed at her. I could practically see her heart break. But none the less she turned and walked away. I stopped hitting the glass and slid down to sit on the floor. Damn it. God fucking damn it.

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, getting nearly blinded by the bright lights. When did Layla get such bright lights?

Sitting up slowly I realized I wasn't in Layla's room. I was in a basement. There weren't any windows so I couldn't tell what time it was but I did notice something very very disturbing. Something red was splattered all over the room. It looked like paint at first but as I got closer I realized what it was really quick.


The door banged open and two sets of footsteps descended down the stairs. One had heels on from the sound of it and the other had boots. They got to the landing and stepped off, slowly moving out of the darkness. All color drained from my face when I realized who was standing in front of me.

Zane and his new pet.

"What a nice gift from Mom. My, sister's pet. She's no longer part of the family and Mommy promised" He said with a wide smile. I gulped. Shit.

"Wh..what do you mean she's not part of the family? Where am I?" I demanded. The girl laughed, shutting up immediately when Zane shot her a glare.

"You're home. They had to move you here while they took Layla who knows where. Mom came and gave me your remote. Said you are now mine and apparently, the laws don't apply to you. So I can do, whatever I want to you" He said, bending down and grabbing my chin harshly. I grit my teeth at the pain and shoved him away. He pulled out my remote and held down level 5, then kicked me in the stomach. I refused to cry about and instead just held my stomach, struggling to ignore the blinding pain.

"Master can I try?" The girl asked softly, pawing at his arm. He smirked and showed her the remote, telling her which button to press. She held down level 6 and squealed with delight as I curled up into a ball, trembling. Zane kicked me again and then told her to stop. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up, smiling smugly.

"You and I. Are going to have lots of fun together"

(Time Skip)

Erika's POV:

The demon screamed a lot louder than Samantha had. All 120 pounds of her were pushing against me as I pressed the pillow firmly over her face. Die already!

Her struggles began weakening finally and I channeled all my remaining strength into keeping it that way. When she went limp I held it there a little longer, waiting. After counting to 50 I pulled the pillow away and dropped it. Grabbing her phone I used her fingerprint to unlock it and scanned my collar and bracelets to get them off. Then I began planning my escape route.

Eve. I can't leave her again.

I snuck out of her room and crossed over to the second biggest room. Eve was asleep on the floor in the corner. I slowly made my way over to her, taking off her collar and bracelets before shaking her awake. Her blue eyes sprang open and she leapt up. I quickly covered her mouth.

"Eve. Eve listen to me. I need to get out of here. Now. Come on." I whispered. She slowly got up to follow me, pausing at the threshold.

"Erika what did you do to Sadie? There's no way she'd just let you walk out without.." She paused when she noticed the absence of my collar and bracelets and the fact that I had her phone in my hand. I pulled her along and shook my head.

"Eve don't..don't worry about it. Now come on. We've gotta get out of here" I said softly. She refused to move for a few seconds and I briefly pondered whacking her over the head with something hard enough to knock her out and drag her to the elevator. Then she moved. Grabbing the car keys.

We rushed into the elevator and went to the lobby. The secretary gave us a weird look as we bolted out the huge doors and raced to the car, unlocking the doors. We jumped in and she started the car, reversing out of the parking lot. As the building faded in the background I relaxed into the seat. Eve gave me a huge smile. I smiled back, panting.

New plan. Make up shit as we go.

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