Chapter Thirty Three

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Erika's POV:

We pulled up to a large house, on a hill. As soon as we pulled up to the door Roxy leapt out and grabbed her gun. I got out of the car as well and walked around to her side. My heels clicked as I walked and she grit her teeth, glancing down then back up at my face.

"I'm stealing you some sneakers. That sound is just torture" She said dismissively. I held back a laugh and just nodded. I reached the door first and went to knock on the door.

"I knock and you knock him out how about.." Roxy lifted one white boot and sent the door flying open, nearly hitting a boy carrying a serving tray. He startled and ended up dropping it. I quickly went over to him and helped him up.

"Hi. We're the Resistance. There's gonna be an Island Raid soon so you'll be saved. Sorry we can't take you." I said as he stood up and began picking up the broken plates. At the word Resistance his head snapped up and he looked at me and Roxy more closely.

"You're here for him aren't you?" He asked. We looked at each other before nodding. He glanced around before telling us.

"Master keeps him in the basement. I regularly bring him food, when he's allowed to eat. He fights every chance he can get." Roxy looked thrilled to hear that last part. She asked where the basement stairs were located and he decided to take us there.

"How did nobody hear the door?" I whispered as we walked. She shrugged. Eventually we reached the kitchen and walked through to the solid metal door that was the basement. He stopped a couple inches away and told us he got a collar warning.

"He's restricted the area. If I go with you down there I'll get electrocuted". He explained. I nodded in understanding and sent him on his way. Roxy kept her gun low and pulled the door. We shared a look of surprise when it creaked open, revealing a set of dark wood stairs.

"Kion?" Roxy called as we descended down the stairs. Nobody answered her. We got to the bottom and saw a line of cells, made out of concrete and iron bars. Out of the 6 that were here at least 5 were full. Roxy spotted Kion instantly and rushed over to a boy with brown hair. He was lying on the ground curled up in the corner with a blindfold covering his eyes.

"Kion. Kion it's me wake up" She pleaded, rattling the bars. He didn't answer. That's when I noticed the dark patches on his clothes.

"Roxy. Roxy I don't think he's alive.." I said softly. She growled and aimed her gun at the lock, shooting it off and startling the other boys. I opened the door and she rushed in, kneeling down next to him.

"Kion please. No!" She shook him, turning him over and ripping his shirt open to find the source of the bleeding. I nearly gagged at the amount of blood. Someone had stabbed him in the chest and he had bled out. Roxy crumbled. I heard a commotion upstairs and quickly shook her.

"Roxy we need to go. I think something is happening upstairs" I warned. She stayed silent, but reluctantly stood up.

"Goodbye. You idiot." I heard her whisper. Then she pushed past me and charged upstairs. I picked up the pace, following the sound of her footsteps. It seems like the Owner had found out about the door. There he stood, yelling at the boy I talked to earlier and holding down the level 8 button. The boy withered in pain on the floor, covering his head with his hands and taking it.

Then Roxy appeared. She landed a solid punch to the man's head, causing him to fall back. She climbed onto him then began punching. Tears were dripping down her face and her fists were growing bloody and bruised. I quickly raced over.

"Roxy stop. Roxy!" I managed to pull her off of him. The boy gave me a grateful look and rushed over to the man.

"Come on. Been here long enough. Layla and Scarlett are at the hospital now we need to go. Back to the US" Roxy said. Her usual clean white outfit was now stained with dirt and blood. I pulled her outside and we got back into the car. She slammed her door extra hard and started the car before I even closed mine.

"Let's go before I change my mind and kill him".

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed. Upon opening my eyes I found myself looking at Layla's worried face. She smiled when she noticed I was awake.

"Hey kiddo, you alright?" She asked, helping me sit up. I snorted, then winced from the pain.

"Relax. You took a bullet for me. You were out for nearly a week.". I sat up more cautiously, and she allowed me.

"What happened?" I croaked out. My throat hurt and she grabbed me a water. Then smiled.

"Scarlett it's over. Mother..and Maya are in prison. The island was raided. I gave them access to the database so everyone that has ever enslaved another human being was hunted down, and jailed. Sky and Maya's trails will be in a week's time." She explained. My heart leapt. It's over.

Layla spent the rest of the day right by my side, telling me everything. Her code freed all of the pets from their collars. It turned out there were owners in the USA that practiced the same thing people on the island did, including some of Maya's family. The doctor came in a few times to check me over. The bullet had passed straight through cleanly thankfully and I was cleared to be discharged.

"What about the island?" I whispered as Layla walked with me to the front desk for the discharge papers. We had to wait behind an old couple and someone with a wheel chair. She grinned at me.

"I have plans for that." She said with a smile. I chuckled.

"There's no more CEO right? If there's no company and no people, no ruler" I asked. The old couple shuffled out and the woman with the wheelchair rolled her way forward. Layla bit her lip and nodded, not giving me a worded answer. We faded into silence. The woman wheeled away and I stepped forward to sign the papers.

"When will I get the huge bill that'll take me 40 years to pay off?" I asked, smirking at the nurse. She chuckled and nodded to Layla.

"Don't worry darling, it's all been paid for by your partner right there." She answered. She had a slight southern accent. I whipped around to look at her and she smirked.

"Cmon. Let's get you home".

The End
And with that marks the end of the Bound and Broken series. Maya's Story part two shall be out soon.

Thank you all who read, commented, and voted for my series. It's been amazing 🥺💞

New series might be coming soon 😉

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