Chapter Twenty Four

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I'm excited. It's almost like I'm reading the book instead of writing it. Double Update 😂
Layla's POV:

Guys it worked. The code works! I did it! We can skip the bunkers and just get the girls off the island and back in the USA.

Oh my god really? Holy shit good job Layla. Okay you need to send the code to us. We'll have it ready for tonight.

We're so close guys. So close. I'm almost done with the bracelet and collar removal device. Or BAC as everyone is now calling it. To my Annoyance.

Oh come on cheer up. It's a funny name.

Fuck you. See you later Alpha, we're already on Step 3.

I clicked off of the chat after sending them the code. Checking the clock I went to my closet and pulled out my old duffel bag filled with the gear I needed. I changed into black leggings and a plain black t shirt, followed by a pair of black sunglasses and a mask. Scarlett raised an eyebrow at my appearance.

"Can't be recognized. I'm the daughter of the CEO of the fucking island Scarlett. I can't just pass off as anyone else" I said. She shrugged and stood up, holding out her hands to get her stuff. Her catsuit was dark enough to blend in and I changed the collar and bracelet color to black to match. I gave her a mask and had her put her hair into a ponytail, hidden away in the black hoodie I gave her. Now we had to get out of the penthouse.

Taking the duffel bag I slowly unlocked my door and opened it, turning back and double checking to make sure I didn't leave anything out. I herded us into the hallway and quietly locked the door. Jasmine and Ava weren't in the hallway thankfully but I knew they soon would be if we didn't hurry up. Slinking into the empty living room we got to the elevator. The ding made me cringe.

"You're nervous after doing this how many times? Like twice?" Scarlett asked, crossing her arms. I frowned and rapid pressed the down button to get the doors to close.

"Yeah and the second time it didn't go very well" I said through gritted teeth. She coughed awkwardly in response and dropped the subject. We got downstairs and rushed out of the lobby, past the empty Secretary desk. Good so the schedule Change went through.

Outside, a black van was waiting for us. I slid open the door and shoved Scarlett in first before climbing in myself and slamming the door shut. The tech team immediately grabbed her and within 5 minutes her collar was deactivated and off, along with her bracelets. She rubbed her neck and smiled at me.

"Let's get this party started!" I yelled, making the guards up front begin driving.

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

We drove for a while. One of the guards offered me their phone if I was bored and I happily went to the corner to watch YouTube while countless people talked to Layla. Apparently the first house we were hitting was house four, with one pet girl named Neko. After her's came house two with two girls Blair and Jordan. Then House three with Diamond and then house one. They only managed to identity the names of 2 in the house, Eve and Gabrielle but the rest would just have to be asked.

The car slid to a stop and Layla appeared in front of me, pulling my mask onto my face then did her own.

"Stay close to me. If the girl attacks you just try to keep her pinned until someone can help you" She said. I nodded, confused on the last bit. That happens?

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