Chapter Nine

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Sorry Guys I got my phone taken. Pretend today is Thursday
———————————————————————————(Time Skip to next Morning)
Scarlett's POV:

I was woken up by my collar giving me a shock. At the same time Jasmine walked in, raising an eyebrow. I groaned and got up, hurrying off to the bathroom to get dressed and ready. Once I was done I walked over to the kitchen to get Layla's breakfast tray. Ava was washing the dishes when I came in and stopped to briefly gesture to the tray. I said good morning and took it, walking carefully back to her room.

She was awake when I got there, and already dressed. She looked up from her phone when I came in and gave me a smile.

"Hey. You can eat it I'm not hungry. Hurry though I'm taking you with me to school" She said. I raised an eyebrow in surprise, then shrugged and kicked the door closed. I moved to the desk and put the tray down, sitting in the chair. I grabbed the fork and dug in.

It was finished within minutes. She noticed and came over to me with the dreaded leash. I hid my frown as she put it on my collar and gave it a light tug to test if it was secured. Then we were off.

I hated this feeling. The feeling of being owned by someone, especially someone almost the exact same age as me. The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Make sure to pick up apples too we ran out of those. Oh and Grapes." Sky was ordering Jasmine, who was writing things down as fast as she heard them. She paused once she caught sight of me.

"Have a good day at School Layla. Come Jasmine" She snapped, stepping out of the elevator and walking past me. Jasmine whispered a small hello before rushing to catch up with her Mistress. We got into the elevator and I decided the silence was boring.

"So what's your school like?" I asked. Layla laughed.

"She speaks! Well it's like any other school. Though it's mostly filled with super rich kids with rich and important parents. At school you'll have to kneel by my desk if you want to go to class with me but if you don't there's a room I can leave you in until lunch. You wouldn't be alone though, lots choose to dump there's there too" She explained with a slight smile. I rolled my eyes and returned it.

The elevator doors opened and we walked out to the car. It was warm today. A guard opened the door for Layla, then held out a hand in front of me. I stopped and looked at her, confused. She shook her head and he let me climb in.

"What was that all about?" I asked. A quick glance at the silent driver made me quickly add Mistress to the end. The last thing I needed today was someone running to Sky and blabbing about how awful of a pet I am.

"Usually pets sit in the back and I ride in the front. But that's just hassle to get the third row open and not needed. So you can just sit with me. Don't get used to it though, if someone else rides with me you're going in the back" She replied. I nodded and decided to stay silent.

The city looked massive. And clean. Very very clean. The sidewalks were spotless and every building's windows were shiny and clear. It looked beautiful. Until I saw the other pets. Some were walking alone but it was clear by the collar they weren't a free person. Others walked behind a single person, a group, or a couple. All of them seemed to be females. But one particular couple's pet looked weird. Well, her collar did.

It was much smaller and looked to tightly fit against her neck. Her bracelets were pretty much the same. But the thing that interested me was they were trying to put some SD card looking thing into her collar. For a second nothing happened, then she cried out in pain and gripped her neck.

What happened to her?

We drove past too fast so see what else happened. I pondered if I should tell Layla what I saw or not. I never got the chance. The car slowed to a stop and the driver got out, opening the door for us. I slid out first, followed by Layla. She told him goodbye and lead me up the stairs. The school looked like all the other city buildings. Clean, shiny windows, spotless. The whole package. Once we got inside I began to understand what Layla had said.

Each one of these girls and boys were wealthy from their parents. And loved to make it known. From Designer backpacks down to the most expensive heels and boots in stores. What you noticed right away were the pets. Every single one of them looked exactly the same. Black tight one piece outfit, gloves, heels. Some had their hair up in ponytails or buns. A few had the cat ears on their heads, along with a fluffy looking tail. I instantly hated it here.

Once Layla walked into the building everyone seemed to turn and stare. At me. Layla paid no attention and kept walking, forcing me to follow. I avoided the curious gazes of owners and pets alike. Until I ran into someone. A pet with brown hair pulled back in a high ponytail. Her head was down so I couldn't see her face. She slipped something into my hand then disappeared into the crowd. I went to check what it was but Layla pulled the leash a little harder this time, making me speed up. I hid it against my thigh and followed until we were out of the main hallway and walking down another one.

"Don't worry about it. They're staring because you kinda look like Erika. She was my older sister's pet. She fled the island after murdering my sister with a pillow. Smothering. After that everyone's pretty much gave Red haired pets a hard time, especially if they have blue eyes." She explained. I snorted.

"I still have one green eye. That should count for something" I grumbled. We continued walking, only passing a few people and the occasional teacher. We got to a set of double doors and Layla pulled out and scanned her school ID. The door clicked and she pulled it open, revealing what looked to be almost like a house.

There were couches in the middle of the room, filled up by other collar wearing girls. The floors were carpeted and it looked like the walls were too. There was a guard by the door and from the second floor upstairs I saw another one walking around. This place didn't look too bad.

"Alright. I'll see you at lunchtime okay? Be good and don't rip anyone's tongue out please" She said with a smirk as she took off my leash. She gave me a little head pat then left, the door clicking shut behind her. I immediately went hunting for a place to sit alone, wanting to look at whatever that girl gave me. I found one on the second floor. The guard gave me a glance, but said nothing about my spot. I turned away slightly and went to work unfolding the note.

Maybe like one of those spy movies. It'll say something like when I drop my book run for the exit.

I opened it fully and my smile vanished.

The paper was blank. Absolutely blank.

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