Chapter Ten

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Guess who's back!
———————————————————————————Erika's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. Morning already. I pulled back the covers and got out of bed, stretching before walking over to the attached bathroom to shower and get dressed. Finishing in a matter of minutes, I got out and decided to make some coffee. I still had a good half hour before I had to start driving to work.

Everything and everyone had finally returned to normal. No more pity food or people walking on egg shells around me. The only thing that seemed to be staying was the dream. About Samantha.

The Queen of all Brats.

Great. I murdered her and now she haunts my dreams. It starts out remotely the same. I wake up back in her house, on the bed with blue sheets. To an empty house. The collar and bracelets are back, but nobody is there to control them. Walking downstairs I come to different scenes. Sometimes its me and Samantha eating breakfast, or I'm swimming and she's watching. In the end the outcome ends up the same, we go to bed and I grab a pillow and kill her.

My phone chimed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. Checking the message with one hand, I used the other to fill my travel cup with coffee and taking a sip.

Hey! London and I thought it would be a good idea to have lunch together. You in?

I sighed and grabbed up my bag, slipping on my shoes. I was in a black business-looking dress, along with black heels. I tried my best to never wear black heels unless the occasion called for it. Work, sadly called for it.

I jumped into the car and sat for a second to text Zachary back. He and I were co-workers on the 3rd floor. London worked on the 5th. Speaking of London. She showed up a couple months ago. Sharp brown eyes, pale skin, and hazelnut brown hair always tied behind her back in a high ponytail. She just waltzed into the bosses office one afternoon and came out with one of the cushy jobs. Nobody liked her.

Well. Except Zachary. He was practically in love with her.

I noticed she always wore scarves with every outfit. Every single one. Even when sleeping. She said it's because of an accident some years ago and how it left pretty ugly scars. I fled before she could tell me her life story. I put my phone on the dash and started the car, pulling out of my driveway and onto the road.

At 39 I had a pretty decent house. I paid rent to the landlord who lived downstairs. I lived on the third floor of the place. It was made to look like a normal house but really two families and Me lived there. Each with our own floor.

Arriving at work I parked the car and began mentally preparing myself for another boring day of work. I grabbed my keys and my purse, climbing out of the car. Locking the doors I walked up to the glass doors of the Editing company and strode up to the Secretary. Nobody could pronounce her real name so everyone just called her Mrs Berry. She was a sweet old lady that liked talking about her family every chance she got.

I got into the elevator with two other people and pressed the button for the third floor, then went on my phone to aimlessly read.

"Yes Sir. Target is here" I heard the man by the buttons whisper. My head snapped up, looking over at him. Before I could say anything the elevator doors opened to the 2nd floor. The man raced out and down the hall, not once looking back. The doors closed again. Up a few more and then it was at my floor. I stole a quick glance at the woman standing near the giant glass wall of the elevator. She seemed to be watching me too. And she continued to do so until the elevator doors closed.

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