Chapter Seven

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Layla's POV:

I sat on the couch chewing my lip nervously. Jasmine sat in a chair beside me, aimlessly staring into space.

Why would Mother want Scarlett? She's got Jasmine and Ava. Two more experienced pets.

A sudden ding from my phone made me look up. I checked it then quickly stood up.

"I'm going to my room. Feel free to do whatever. I know my Mother told you to stay with me but you don't have to" I told her. She nodded and I walked to my room, gently closing the door and locking it. Without a word I went to my desk and opened my drawer. Shifting through my many papers and drawings I finally found what I was looking for. I pulled out a jet black laptop. I opened it and typed in the password, revealing an empty chat room. I waited a few minutes before typing.

What happened? Did everything go well?

At first nothing happened. Then a second message appeared.

Did he tell you? We've just tried a security breach and got through the first couple walls. We found some crazy stuff but nothing really new. Are you sure about this?

I paused before answering.

Yes. There's something going on but my parents are being very secretive about it. I think Zane knows. How could he not? He's the future CEO. What did your team find?

The next hour or so was spent with them telling me all they had found. Stuff about the inner workings of older versions of collars and the island's security system. Nothing new. I sighed as I read through the several official documents and letters that were sent to my iPad.

This is impossible. If we can't even hack into the tech buildings how will HQ ever work?

Information sent. It will auto erase in 12 hours like usual. But I think we accidentally got through into a secured network. We got out quick but the cleanup was messy. Hopefully it will go unnoticed

Good thank you. Signing off.

I shift clicked on the middle of the screen and the chat auto erased. I shut the laptop and hid it away in my drawer once more before standing up. I felt excited. Our first breach had gone successfully.

"Five more to go." I said to myself, standing up to go back into the living room.

(Time Skip)

Scarlett's POV:

I'm sick and tired of clothes. Sick and tired. Sky had me and Everly carry all the bags so she was free to pick up things. I swear she's giving me the heavier ones on purpose. We moved from store to store. Sometimes she'd just look around and buy nothing. Other times I'd be forced to carry another 2-3 bags. There were other pets and 'their owners' walking or sitting around. All of the pets were female and wore the same tight suit I was wearing, alongside the gloves. I saw two girls kneeling in front of a guy. Both girls were wearing cat ear headbands and a fluffy tail attached to the back of their catsuit. I shivered at the thought of having to wear that myself.

I guess she finally got hungry because after we finished getting her 9th pair of shoes we moved to the food court. My mouth watered as I smelled the food. I was really hungry. She picked a table and sat down for a bit, texting and reading something. Then she turned to Everly.

"What drink do you want? I'm getting you both salads" She said. Everly mumbled water and Sky got up to get the food, leaving us at the table. Well, at least I thought she was. Turns out she never let go of my leash. My collar grew tight and I choked, standing up with her and rushing to her side. For a little bit she ignored me then out of nowhere flashed me a smile.

"Oops. Forgot all about your leash. It's a shame. I'm so used to holding one" She said with an innocent expression. I clenched my hands into fists and resisted the urge to punch this woman.

One of these days. I swear.

Right before we got up to the register Sky's phone rang. She fished it out of her pocket and answered it quickly, putting it on speaker.

"What Maya, I'm kind of busy shoppi—"

"Get home now. We had a problem at one of your tech buildings" I heard another woman say. Sky's eyes darkened.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes". Without another word she ended the call and whipped around, rushing back over to the table. Everly noticed her panic and began gathering up as many bags as she could carry. I quickly raced to help her. We began power-walking to the entrance, all the way to the car. We piled the stuff and ourselves into the car and Sky started it, pulling out of the parking space and moving towards the entrance.

I was curious. She owned a Tech Building? From what the other woman, Maya, said she seemed to own or manage several of them. Rich family.

What is this? An island with a bunch of rich families?

We sped back to the penthouse. Sky rushed us in unloading all her bags, even going as far as to shock us if we didn't pick up something fast enough. Once we got inside the secretary greeted Sky and looked me and Everly up and down. Particularly me. I could feel her piercing gaze against my back.

"Is that Erika? She looks so much like her!" She blurted out. Sky froze, then whipped around, forcing me to turn around as well.

"No. This is my daughter's pet, Scarlett. Speak that name again and I'll have you fired" She snarled. The secretary's eyes went wide with fear and she quickly nodded, glancing a bit at me. She looked interested, probably with the color of my eyes. The elevator doors opened and Sky practically shoved me in first.
As we went up I decided to ask.

"Who's Erika?"

Sky visibly stiffened and I saw her fist tighten around my leash. But she didn't answer. As soon as the doors slid open Layla's brother grabbed Everly and slammed her against the wall for a kiss. She looked scared but didn't dare try to stop him. Layla was nowhere in sight and Sky didn't let go of my leash, forcing me to continue following. I followed her all the way to an office, where another woman was sitting at the desk. Two men in black suits were sitting on the couch, typing furiously on their laptops. Everyone paused when Sky walked in.

"What happened" She demanded.

"Miss Sky. There was a security breach at Tech building one. We don't know yet who did it, they cleaned up their tracks fairly well" One of the men explained. The other man muttered something. She rolled her eyes and looked at him for an explanation.

"It seems like all that was leaked was files about one of the old collar models and a few emails between staff. Nothing too important" He said. Sky chuckled.

"Nothing too important? The collar models haven't been changed idiot. They still have the same parts, the same everything, only adding to it. If someone gets their hands on that they can figure out how to get them off. Without using a device." The other woman said. She hadn't moved since the other two men and Sky started talking. Everyone in the room except Sky seemed to visibly tense. Clearly this woman held power.

Without a word she stood up and pulled out a black file from somewhere, slamming it down on her desk. Sky looked at it curiously.

"What's that? The unmentionable folder I pestered you for months to show me?" Sky said sarcastically. Her laugh quickly turned to a cough under the woman's glare. I snorted. Then suddenly everyone's eyes were on me.

"What's she doing here?" The woman demanded. Sky finally looked at me again and her eyes widened.

"Shit. Sorry Maya. I forgot she was even with me. Here" She practically threw her end of my leash at me. "Get out and find your owner". I turned and left the room, feeling the door slam behind me. I stayed there for a few seconds, hoping to hear something.

Someone breached their tech building? Why are they so worried?

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