Chapter Sixteen

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Erika's POV:

At night she took me out of the chair and let me lay on the mattress. The catch? She kept my wrists cuffed and bound a rope to them, attaching that to the radiator. Not going anywhere anytime soon.

She called for an extraction three times in the middle of the night before finally going to sleep. That's when I made my move. Shuffling over to the duffel bag I reached out, only for the rope to stop me.

Well shit.

I laid on my back and reached out with my leg, hooking onto the strap and yanking it towards me. I grabbed it and hauled it onto the bed, ripping the zipper down. Inside was an assortment of packaged food and water bottles and below that a bunch of equipment. I didn't recognize anything except the obvious knife.

Wait a minute.

I grabbed the knife and began sawing through the rope around the cuffs. Whatever it was it was durable.

"Shit..OW that one was late. Wonder if it's the connection" I mumbled. The shock made me nearly drop the knife. I was grateful that I didn't wear the bracelets.

It took a while but finally I pulled away and my wrists were free. Well, free and still cuffed. I stood up and dug into the duffel bag, looking for a key or a set of keys.


I pulled out a key ring and began trying each key on the cuffs. Six keys in and I started getting worried. If none worked I was screwed. Finally the second to last one fit in the lock and I ripped the cuffs off. Dropping them on the bed I raced over to the door and tried the keys on the lock.

A loud click made me freeze.

"Really? I knew you were stupid but not THIS stupid" She said. I turned to face her and sighed. She was holding the gun from earlier in one hand, with the other holding the remote. Shit

"Least I'm not someone's bitch" I snarled back, ignoring the slightly painful shock that rushed through me. She grit her teeth and squeezed the trigger, firing. I dodged at the last second and lashed out with the knife, catching her hand. She yelped and instinctively dropped the gun to look at the wound. I kicked it away. She landed a solid kick to my stomach and raced to get the gun. I decided my best bet was to tackle her.

And it hurt like hell.

I groaned, rolling onto my neck and kicking her away. She caught my foot with ease and punched me in the face before straddling me, pinning my arms under her.

"On second thought. Maybe I'll just do our precious CEO wife a favor and take you out of the equation" She snarled. While she was rambling I stretched my hand out and smiled as I felt the handle of the knife she failed to kick away.

"No. I think I'll take you out though" I said with a smirk. She gave me a confused look. Then I swiftly pulled my arm free and jammed the knife into her neck. She screamed and jumped off of me, falling into the wall. She ripped the knife out and fell to the floor, pressing her hand over the wound. Blood spilled over and began to form a puddle on the floor.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit

I scrambled away and raced for the door, taking the duffel bag with me. The girl tried to speak but all that came out was blood and gurgling sounds. She slumped onto her back and her hand finally fell away from her neck. She was gone.

I killed someone. I killed HER. Oh my fucking god I'm screwed.

I checked the other room and found an assortment of other things. Her phone was one. I took that and put it in the pocket of the long coat from before, slipping it on. It did well with covering the collar. Speaking of which.

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