Chapter Nineteen

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Scarlett's POV:

"We're going to Hack your Collar" She said. I just sighed.

"Didn't your two friends back at the..uh..yeah there. Say it was too dangerous?" I countered as she plugged the USB into the collar and began furiously typing. Within minutes a bunch of codes and things I definitely didn't understand began popping up and the room got silent.

I bit my lip hard as I thought back to how much all of them panicked. I tried to hold it in.

"Okay uh. Try asking Siri something about your collar. The serial number to be specific" She said. I did what I was told.

'25774357833' Siri said. I just reached over for my iPad and watched some videos on it as she worked. It grew silent again. I got bored and began roaming around the iPad, ending up in messages. I came to Everly's blank chat and paused. Since we got the collars I've never seen her outside of Zane's room.

Maybe Ava or Jasmine bought her food and stuff. He wouldn't starve another human being.

"What does Zane do to Everly?" I asked suddenly. Layla paused at typing, thinking of what to say.

"Uh. I don't know. I've never been in his room. Why?" She asked without even looking away from her screen. I glanced up but couldn't make sense of what I was looking at.

"Everly never leaves his room.." I trailed off. Layla began furiously typing yet again and at the same time began packing up her stuff. She pulled out the USB then closed her laptop, sliding it into her bag. I stood up with her and put the extra chair back where it was before.

"I'll be back later. I've got to go back out. If anyone asks I had to go to school for a project." She said, making her way towards the door.

"What did you do to the collar?" I asked curiously. The slam of the door answered my question. I sighed and leapt onto the bed, fiddling around with the D ring. A loud knock startled me into a sitting position just in time for Sky to come in. She looked around before finally acknowledging my existence.

"Where's Layla?" She demanded.

"She had a school project to do..Mistress?" I tacked on the last part in hopes it would suffice. She pulled the remote out and gave me a level three shock. Guess not.

"Kneel in the presence of Owners. Including your own. Should of made that girl beat it into you instead of just letting Jasmine teach you" She snapped. I slid off the bed onto my knees with a hidden grimace, hating her guts.

"Great. Both of my children are gone and now I've gotta find a way..." her voice faded out as she walked out of the room. I quickly got up and glanced down the hallway, just catching her disappear into her own office. I glanced around and found nobody else about.

Well. Time to do something very very stupid.

I rushed over to Zane's door and leaned heavily on the wall, pushing it open. I didn't immediately see Zane and that make me calm down a little. But I also didn't see Everly. I opened the door a little wider and slid inside, closing it behind me. The lights were off but the curtains were open, allowing some of the moonlight inside. Once my eyes adjusted I began looking around.

His room looked like any old teen boy's. But neater. His books were stacked up on his desk and his bed was properly made. It was awfully cold in here though. It seemed to slice right through the catsuit. A small whimper made me jump.

There at the foot of the bed lay Everly, curled up as best as she could to fit on the medium sided pillow. Her face looked fine but from the dress she wore I could see her arms were covered in bruises and burns and cuts. She was shaking from the cold, pulling a worn thin blanket higher up herself. I crouched down to wake her up, then thought better of it and backed away.

Right into Zane.

The teen's eyes were narrowed in anger and suspicion. I gulped.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He yelled, waking up Everly in the process. She pressed herself to the wall and cowered, biting her lip hard to keep herself from making any noise. That's when I noticed the tear stains. My heart ached. Suddenly my face stung and my head whipped to the side. He slapped me then grabbed my collar, painfully jerking me forward.

"I have to repeat myself? My bastard of a sibling doesn't know how to properly train her own pet" He snapped. I flinched at his tone and the pain from the collar.

"W..what are you doing to her? She's hurt!" I forced out, grabbing her hands and trying to push them off. He let me go and slapped me again, grabbing the remote and giving me a continuous shocks until I fell to the floor. He grabbed my hair and forced me back up again, ripping my head back to look him in the eye.

"She's learning her place. If she learned better she wouldn't be hurt" He snarled, looking at Everly. She looked like she wanted to disappear right there. He walked over to her and pulled her collar, sitting on the bed and putting her on the floor in front of him.

"Get out bitch. I've got work to do" He snapped. I quickly hightailed it out of there and the door slammed behind me. Ducking back into Layla's room, I slapped the door shut and sat on the bed once again.

Damn..what to do now.

(Time Skip)

Erika's POV:

I was practically thrown out of the car. One of the guards handed me a black envelope and told me to give it to my Master as soon as I got inside. I looked up the massive castle looking house in front of me. Two guards in all black were standing by the door, which slid open once I got near it. Siri played a welcome home message and I was instructed to go to my "cage" first before meeting my owners.

The house was like a maze. I ended up using Siri to get to the cage, which turned out to just be a large room with about 8 different beds. Three were filled with girls, sitting around playing on their iPads. The other 5 were empty. I walked over to Harley's and sat down.

"Hey Harley. How was your trip?" One of the girls called from her bed. She had black hair as well, with ocean blue eyes. Actually all the girls had black hair it seems. I merely stared at her. She frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Silent as usual. Least now I don't have to take over your jobs" She said before turning her attention back to her iPad. The other girls ignored me. I found Harley's iPad under her bed, wirelessly charging. Opening it, I found the normal things like YouTube and a few games. Clicking on the info tab I went through it and sighed.

Harley Jackson. Age 19. Height 5'7. Weight 193. Birthday February 17th. Owner Set: 5. Position: Pet.

'Master is urgently calling you. Leave the room and make a right' Siri said. I sighed and got up, adjusting my heels and catsuit before exiting the room and turning right. Siri guided me all the way outside in the back of the house to what looked like a REC room. This Master guy looked vaguely familiar but I put it out of my mind and knelt down, dipping my head as Siri instructed.

"Do you have the envelope?" He asked. I took it out of the pocket of my trench coat and handed it to him. He snatched it from me and ripped it open, pulling out a small credit card. He grabbed his phone and seemed to scan it. A low animalistic growl rose from him and he got up, grabbing my hair and ripping my head back. I winced in pain.

"Only half. She was generous enough to give me half. Still covers you being sent off but that extra money was supposed to pay for another pet." He snarled. I didn't say anything.

You're rich, just buy another one why do you need to borrow money?

I was released. He walked back to his seat and poured himself a drink.

"Eve!" He snapped. I stiffened as a girl with familiar blonde hair and blue eyes rushed forward, grabbing the envelope. Our eyes met for a second, then she was gone. Back into the hallway to do what she was told. The man got up and closed the door to the room, locking it. I forced myself to relax, calming myself down as best as I could. His robe was open now, exposing his bare chest and a pair of business pants. My collar was grabbed and he yanked me forward.

"Get to work" He snapped.


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