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Everything that happened next matched Jin's prediction. Articles regarding Jungkook's recent radio guesting popped everywhere. Many acknowledged and adored him even more after hearing his openly accepts the LGBT+ Community. But...

"Jungkook-" Jin worriedly said and handed his tablet to Jungkook.

"Netizens speculates that Jungkook is gay. They also think he is dating someone close to him. Many says it's Kim Taehyung..." Jungkook slowly read the first three sentences of the article Jin showed him.

"What are we gonna do? That's not the only article that says you're dating Taehyung. Other article says you're gay. That's easy to handle... but, Taehyung's name is getting dragged. Jungkook-"

"I'll talk to Taehyung. We'll let the company release an article about us denying the rumors." Jungkook said straight... he looked relaxed but his heart is pounding really hard. This isn't what he expected. This must not go on.

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