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Wonwoo trapped himself in one of the many bathrooms the house had to offer and locked it. His hands gripped either sides if the sink, and he let out a deep sigh as he stared at himself in the mirror before rinsing his face with cool water.

Hs hands slowly reached in his hoodie pocket, he took out a mini ziplock bag filled halfway with a white powder like substance. His face grew pale as he flung it in the sink, his eyebrows knitting together. His hands grew clammy as he held his lips go dry, his mouth salvation.

"What the fuck, why now?," the boy whispered through gritted teeth. his hands trembled as he picked up the bag. He held the sealed bag up to his nose as he sniffed it. It was real. 

He felt his heart beating rapidly as he clutched it in his hands. he threw in on the sink once again, he back hitting the bathroom door as he slumped down, tears welled in his eyes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," his voice was a mere muffle as it was being drowned out by his sobs.

He gathered his composure and wiped his face before exiting the bathroom. He closed the door behind himself and stood there for a moment before quickly rushing back inside.

He opened the bag quickly, emptying the bag's contents on the sink. His breathing grew heavy as he dipped pinky in the powder before rubbing it over his gums. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the taste. He felt like he was sixteen again and he hated it. He hated it so fucking much, but as the feeling of desperation flowed through him, all he could do was whip out a dollar bill from his back pocket, and roll it.

He felt his phone vibrate and he stared at it, Mingu's smiling face decorating his screen. His finger pressed down on the power button as he shoved the phone in his pocket. He directed the powder into four white lines and those lines began to disappear one by one.


The boy stumbled from the bathroom and headed towards the living room, his body moving along to the edm that spilled through the speakers. He could feel the music vibrating in his chest, and his lips pulled back into a smile as he looked around himself through lidded eyes. He let his hands follow his movements as he focused on the the way the blue light painted the bodies around him. He turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder, his smile growing wider when he seen who it was.

"Mingyu, I'm glad you're here," the boy said, his words coming out low and slow. Mingyu looked at him, anger and hurt evident in his face.

"We're leaving. . .Now," Mingyu said, his voice low, but lord enough for the other to hear.

"Oooh, okay," Wonwoo said, a smirk playing on his lips as he was pulled out the house.

and i-

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