Chapter 42

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January 15, 2018

Hadley's POV

»New Orleans, Louisiana«

Braun and I haven't talked much in the past few days but, it was my day off and he still hadn't told me what the surprise he had for me was. I've had enough of waiting.

Looking at the numbered doors on each side of the hallway as I looked for Braun's room number. I smiled when it came into view before I knocked .

"Time to wake up Meatcastle, today's the day!"

I heard a quietly groan followed by a short laugh before he opened revealing himself. He was wearing a pair of shorts and his hair was not the best I had ever seen it.

"Did I wake you?"

"Well it is also my day off." He said, motioning for me to come inside. "I also didn't expect you to come here this early."

"Sorry to ruin your morning." I smiled, knowing he'd rather me be here instead of sleeping in.

"Like you ever could. It's nice seeing you this early. Did you already eat?"

"Not a thing, got up, got ready, and came here." I shrugged.

"Looks like I get to treat you to breakfast then. Let me get showered and ready and then we'll go." He said, walking to his bag for a change of clothes. "I take it you're staying here?" He questioned, noticing I hadn't moved.

"I can go..."

"I mean you can stay if you want!" He said quickly. "I just don't know how long I'll be." He adding, using his thumb to point to the bathroom.

"Tell you what, give me your room key, I've gotta run to Seth's real quick, and I'll go down the road and get us some coffees while you're in there."

A smile on his face appeared as he unzipped another pocket on his bag, pulling out his wallet. He opened it and got out his keycard before handing it to me, the smile still on his face.


"Ok." I smiled back, putting the keycard in my pocket. He looked me up and down looking as if he was debating something in his head. Next thing I knew he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him, enveloping me in one of his hugs. Just a quick one but, I still loved it nonetheless.

I smiled up at him as we parted.

"See you later." He chuckled before walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I made my way out of the room and just down the hall to Seth's room before knocking.

"Rollins wake your ass up!"

I heard mumbling before a loud thump. The door opened just moments after and he let me inside.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, flopping down on his bed.

"What so you can bug me whenever you want but I can't bug you?"

"It's weird when you do it."

"Yeah yeah I know."

"So?" He asked. "What're you doing here?" He repeated.

"I'm nervous as fuck." I told him as I sat in a chair. He sat up, interested. He was never the first person I'd go to when I was nervous.

"About what? You're gonna do great in Japan, you always do." He offered a small smile.

"No not that!" I huffed, already deciding that it was not my best idea to come to Seth.

"Then what?" He asked getting up from his bed and walking over to me. He put an arm around me, comfortingly.

"Well I..." I said letting out a deep breath. "I'm supposed to be hanging out with Braun today and -."

"So that's why you said you couldn't hang out!" He said, standing straight.

"Yeah yeah shut up."

"I thought you were just going to -."

"Can I finish what I was saying?" I asked rolling my eyes at his overreaction.

"Yes, continue." He said, sitting on the end of his bed.

"Ok, I showed up way too early to see him... like I just came from his room -."

"You were there already?! Why aren't you there now?"

"He's showering. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"Ok fair, continue."

"We were supposed to hang out tonight, he has some surprise for me or whatever -."

"Like a date?"

"If you're gonna keep cutting me off, I'll just leave." I said standing.

"No no, I'll be quiet." He said. I sat back down and continued speaking.

"He's kept it a surprise for a few days and I'm tired of fucking waiting. So I went to his room and was gonna see if he would spill, but then he said offered to take me to breakfast -."

"A date before a date how -." Seth said before seeing me glare at him. "Sorry."

"He's getting ready to go now and I old him that I'd get us coffees while he's doing all that and I don't even know what kind of coffee he wants!"

"Well don't panic about it." Seth chuckled.

"It's not funny Seth."

"It kind of is, you're nervous. It's normal... well for normal people, you're pretty far from normal..."

"Says you." I crossed my arms.

"I'll help you, let me change and run a brush through my hair and I'll go with you. I'm in major need of caffeine anyway."

I nodded letting out a breath as he stood and walked to his bag, grabbed clothes and walked into the bathroom. He soon came out, ready for the day and put on a pair of sneakers before looking at me.

"Are you ready?"

I stood and followed him out of the room and to the elevator.

"Y'know it's nice seeing you so nervous." Seth smiled. "Nice knowing that you're actually human." He joked.

"Ha ha Rollins." I rolled my eyes. "You're not funny."

"Really? I thought I was." He smiled.

"Sorry to burst your bubble." I smiled a bit.

"No you're not." He continued to smile as he pushed me slightly as we walked.

"You're probably right." I pushed him back.

I'm No Superman// Braun Strowman Where stories live. Discover now