Chapter 44

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January 15, 2018

Hadley's POV

»New Orleans, Louisiana«

After breakfast, Braun and I had spent the whole day exploring the city and before we knew it, sun began to sink and turn the sky many different shades of pink.

"I had fun today." I said, smiling up at him as we walked hand in hand down Bourbon Street. He smiled as he looked over the signs hanging over the street.

"It's not over yet." He smiled, leading me into a building. He looked down at me seeming to search my face for hints of disgust or satisfaction.

"A bar..." I said a little disappointed.

"It's uh... a karaoke bar." He said, looking around.

Even better. I thought sarcastically.

"I wanted to sing to you." He added, looking down at me.

"Like up there?" I asked, nervously chuckling as I pointed at the stage placed at the front of the colorful bar. "In front of everyone?"

I couldn't tell if he was serious or if this was just some joke. Why would he sing for me in front of people? That's something that only happens in the movies.

"Yes and yes." He answered both of my questions. "I think belting out some cheesy romantic song will help you get the picture of how much I really do like you." He admitted. "Of course I should probably get a few drinks in me so I can work up the courage to..." He trailed off when he saw me smiling at him. "What?" He chuckled.

"You're a cheesy romantic song."

He let out a laugh and wrapped me in his arms for a quick hug.

"Only for you, Darlin'." He laughed again before letting me go. "I mean uh..." he trailed off, seeming nervous about what'd say after he just blurted out his pet name for me.

"You're so awkward sometimes." I laughed, wrapping my arms around him this time, squeezing him tight. He relaxed in my embrace and put his arms around me as well.

"That's mostly for you too." He chuckled, embarrassed.

I smiled to myself before we let go of each other and walked to the bar to sit and order drinks for ourselves.

"So I uh, I didn't ask Seth for ideas for tonight but I did ask him about the stuff you didn't like to make sure I didn't plan any of that for tonight." He told me.

"So he didn't tell you that I'm not really a "go out to the bar" person?"

He let out a short nervous laugh before speaking again.

"No no, he told me you don't like bars, but I like I said, I wanted to sing to you and I figured no one's done that for you so I would be the first." He said, I felt a smile grow on my face. "We won't be long here, promise." He added with a smile. "I've got something planned for after this that I think you'll actually like."

"That's sweet."

He looked a little more relaxed after I said that. He smiled a bit before pointing across the room.

"I should go see what songs they have, I'll be right back." Braun said getting up from his seat and walking to the other side of the room.

I pulled my phone from my pocket to text Seth.

Me: thanks.

I sent it just as a text from Pete came through. I opened it and read it to myself.

Pete: Hey I just landed in New Orleans. Could we talk?

"Hey." Braun said, sitting next to me again. I locked my phone and shoved it in my pocket.

"Hey, that was fast."

"I had an idea of what I wanted to sing, I just had to make sure they had it." He smiled, picking up his drink from the bar and taking a sip. "Everything ok?" He asked after seeing my mood was less than it was a few minutes ago.

"Actually, yeah. Everything is great." I said pulling my phone from my pocket again. "I've gotta text someone back real quick though."

"Ok, do whatever you have to."

I unlocked my phone and typed out a message to Pete.

Me: No thanks.

Once I made sure it sent, I shoved it back in my pocket and turned my attention to Braun again.

"You wanna dance?" I asked

"Dance?" He asked.

"Don't worry you can't be worse than me." I said, smiling reassuringly, holding out a hand for him. He took it and we stood together, walking to just in front of the stage where he'd be singing later.

I started to dance and he slowly began to dance too.

"You don't seem like you hate being here."

"Going out is always better when the company is good." I offered a smile to him. He smiled back and danced a little more carelessly. "You don't seem like much of a confident dancer."

"Yeah, not one of my talents." He smiled, embarrassed, lifting his hand and allowing me to spin.

"Then again..." I trailed off as he became more comfortable and confident with his dancing. "I guess you may be more humble about this talent."

He shrugged.

"Maybe." He smiled, pulling me close as the song changed to a slower one. "People just don't ask about some things."

"I guess I should start asking more questions before you show me up in everything." I laughed.

"I doubt I could."

"We'll see about that when we go on our second date."

He spaced out for a second, thinking.

"Is this you asking me out."

"If you want it to be."

His eyes lit up and he hugged me tight to him.

"We're not even done with this date and I can't wait for our second." He said, causing me to laugh.

"Let's focus on this one first." I smiled up at him.

"No problem." He said, kissing the top of my head as we swayed to the slow song.

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