day twenty-three

11 1 1

a song from the musical that everyone should see performed live

i am 100% sure on my answer for this one. of course, it's 'hamilton' again, but it's one of the two that i've seen live. i'm not counting b***s for this answer.

i think i've mentioned this before either during this challenge or in my ✦ let's talk about musicals ✦ book. but seeing the end of "guns and ships" performed live honestly like, changed my life. i'm barely exaggerating.

***SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT?*** (in case you don't wanna know anything about the staging/direction of 'hamilton')

the part when george washington sings at the end of "guns and ships" and the ensemble is passing the letter across the whole stage doing that spin move thing??? oh my god. honestly one of the most incredible things i've ever seen. i didn't know anything about the staging of 'hamilton' prior to seeing it live, so my mind was literally blown.

i don't know why i find it so amazing??? it was just so satisfying and cool. and the lighting during that part is so beautiful. i can't imagine how many times that had to practice that part to be in perfect sync.

i don't think you can see this happen on the b*** that's out there, because it's zoomed in on washington so you can't see what's happening on that upper balcony part which is where the letter passing happens. it's just... indescribable. i think everyone should see it live, especially people who don't fully appreciate the ensembles.

also, i don't know if this question is referring to just one song that everyone should see performed live, or a whole show that should be performed live. i think i had this dilemma the other day. either way, my answer will still be 'hamilton'. the lighting in that show is just incredible.

so my answer for today is "guns and ships" from 'hamilton'. i think this might be the surest i've been of any answer i've given for this challenge so far. it's been over a year since i've seen it, and i've only seen it that once, but i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. obviously the beginning of the song (lafayette's rap) is really impressive, but the letter passing during washington's part is genuinely so beautiful and satisfying to watch... definitely worth $1,000 alone.

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date: september 2, 2019

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