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2 months after Bakugo's Rescue and Fall of All Might:

Life was running smoothly at UA for Class 1A. So much had changed this All Might stepped down as the Symbol of Peace but it was still present in everybody's mind. It was more than just present in one person's mind though; Izuku Midoriya. Midoriya had suddenly started having a lot more nightmares recently which was strange for a number of reasons. Firstly, All Might's battle with All For One had happened 2 months ago and didn't affect his dreams much at the time and secondly because for most of his life Midoriya had been nightmare-free only having one or two on very rare occasions. Each day for the past half-week or so, Midoriya had woken at an ungodly hour in the morning in a cold sweat having had a nightmare. He usually went back to sleep shortly after, almost immediately forgetting about it. Midoriya woke today in his dorm at 7 and decided to keep the nightmare out his mind and focus on the day ahead of him. Today was a special day for Class 1A due to the activities scheduled. Most notably, a hero vs villain exercise which Izuku was looking forward to. He got ready into his uniform and left his dorm to be greeted by a bubbly Uraraka and a serious-looking Iida who were both waiting by his door.

"Was I that late getting up?" Midoriya asked, nervously scratching his head and feeling guilty for making his friends wait for him. It was no secret that Midoriya was slow to get ready.

"Punctuality is important Midoriya, you can never be a true hero-" Tenya Iida began his long speech while emphasising each point with his arms. While they were walking to class, Izuku met eyes with a rather angry looking Bakugo who was walking by himself. 'I wonder why he's so angry now? Did I do something wrong? Do I look suspicious?' Midoriya thought. Despite the fact that Izuku claimed he and Bakugo were childhood friends, he couldn't help but still feel nervous and cautious while around him due to his past bullying and proficiency with his quirk that made him feel inferior by comparison even with the power of One for All.

"Hey, Deku," Bakugo suddenly said, but it was so loud, it was more of a yell, "Why are you staring at me, huh?"

"Oh, uhh Kacchan, you see-" Midoriya was shocked by Bakugo's sudden yell and made up an excuse, "I-I was just wondering how you're gonna be in the exercise today!"

"Why would you being thinking about me, you worthless Deku!" Bakugo spat, angry for no real reason.

"It-t's just we might be on the same team or somethi-"

"Yeah, as if we'd be on the same team! Aizawa isn't stupid enough to think that a worthless Deku will be any help to me," Bakugo yelled.

"Team 4: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka."

Aizawa read out their names as each group then separated themselves into 4 different huddles around the entrance to the exercise grounds. Bakugo reluctantly moved towards his group who were already deep in conversations about their plans. The exercise was simple: 1 group of villains on the inside of the building have 5 minutes to set up before the other group of heroes has to enter and either handcuff or incapacitate the other team. Meanwhile the group of villains will either try and fight back and incapacitate all the heroes or will try and escape which if they manage to, it will result in victory. After a few minutes of preparations, every team was ready. Team 4 was a Hero Team which would be fighting against Team 2 which consisted of Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Aoyama. Team 2 entered their building as Team 4 went over their strategy again.

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