Kirishima heard footsteps getting closer, "They're coming."

The footsteps stopped. A knock was heard.

"Hello! Hero Tenya Iida also known as Ingenium is here! I suggest that you surrende-" He was cut off by a massive explosion that blew the door off its hinges.

"Like hell!" Bakugo screamed, "I came here for a fight!" As soon as he entered a cannonball fired at him only missing slightly.

"Shit," Kirishima said.

"Pretty close, weird hair," Bakugo grinned evilly, "I guess I was wrong about you being useless." Yaoyorozu stared at him angrily. She knew she missed but couldn't let it show that it bothered her, though she knew he could tell. "Just kidding," he screamed as he threw a massive explosion down. Kirishima managed to protect her but got hit away by Iida.

"Kirishima!" Yaoyorozu yelled but was quickly put in handcuffs by Iida. "Down," she mumbled.

"Yeah, I could tell," Kirishima laughed nervously as he looked at the two imposing figures staring him down. He knew he couldn't fight them... but he didn't have to. "Anyway, you idiots, we already won." Bakugo glanced and Tenya confused.

"Huh?" He said, "Explain red-hair."

"Eh? Don't tell me you guys forgot about the bomb?" Kirishima said confused, pointing to a suspicious-looking package lying in the corner.

"What bomb? This exercise doesn't involve a bo-" Bakugo was cut short by a loud beeping noise before a massive explosion sending everyone in the immediate vicinity flying and completely destroying the building.

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