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4 days passed without any progress. Izuku Midoriya stayed strapped to his chair only let out occasionally to be taken to the bathroom. Midoriya had not shown any sign of his sinister side and in fact had only talked when he spoken too in a completely normal way. Class 1A attempted to get over him but at least once every single day, he had come up as a topic in conversation. The conversations would usually end shortly after with someone usually Bakugo, Kirishima or Uraraka would yelling in a rage. Todoroki had also gone back into his shell and barely communicated with anyone. Midoriya's words to him had affected him so much, Todoroki was subconsciously struggling to use his flames. Mina Ashido had had a terrible day. Tsuyu was still suffering from intense mood-swings that would leave her in tears, Momo was still mostly silent and Uraraka was so angry it was just sad hanging around with her. Everyone was still so down from Midoriya's betrayal. Was it weird that she wasn't as affected as everyone else? Mina Ashido was so deep in thought she almost didn't notice where she was passing.

"Eh? Mina!" a familiar voice called from inside the room. Mina looked over to him and thought back to Tsuyu and Momo's experiences. She kept walking.

"Huh! Ashido come back! Please!" Izuku pleaded. Mina sighed. She decided that she had some questions for him and turned back and entered the room. She frowned and sat down in a chair near him.

"Midoriya," Mina said coldly as if his name hurt her to say.

"You really think I'm a traitor, don't you?" Izuku interrupted. He looked incredibly sad.

"Don't think that act is going to work on me," Ashido said. The comment only made him look more sad.

"I-I'm not trying to- I promise you-" Izuku murmured before composing himself, "Mina, I promise you, I'm not a traitor. I won't ask you to do anything I just... want to talk to someone. Please?" Ashido couldn't bring herself to say no which she realised was a bad thing. 'I swear to god if I get played, I'm gonna kill you Midoriya,' she thought. Over the course of the next 10 minutes, Ashido talked with Izuku about the events of class and so-such avoiding talking about Uraraka and people's hatred of him. She didn't realise how friendly the conversation was becoming until Tooru entered the room. She entered just as Izuku and Mina began laughing at a joke she told.

"Mina," she said quickly, assuming something bad was going to happen. Mina immediately became aware of her actions and became instantly more uncomfortable.

"Tooru," Izuku said happily, "Do you want to talk with us?" Tooru noticed Izuku's normality but was incredibly skeptical. She pulled a chair over and sat down next to Mina.
"I'll stay and make sure Ashido doesn't do anything stupid," Tooru said staring intently at Mina who of course couldn't notice. Despite the awkward entrance, Tooru quickly joined the conversation and happily talked with Ashido and Izuku for around 5 minutes until Midoriya noticed the clock said 6:34 PM.

"Uh... thanks guys for talking with me but I think it would be best if you guys y'know- went off to like bed or something..." Izuku said as Mina and Ashido began to get up. "Goodn-" Mina and Tooru were almost out of the door when they heard the beginning of Izuku's message. They turned and saw him lying seemingly unconscious but with his eyes lying open but lacking the shine they previously did a few seconds ago. Suddenly, another light overtook Midoriya's eyes and he sat back up again.

"Hey Mina! Hey Tooru! I know it's a bit awkward but I really need to go to the toilet... if you could maybe let me-" Izuku began. His voice would've seemed completely natural if they hadn't been talking to him a few seconds previously. The differences were slight but also massive. Mina and Tooru just stared, completely shocked.

"Uh, we actually really need to go, right Mina? Yeah, see you around Midoriya!" Tooru said quickly and unnaturally as she pulled Mina out of the room and slammed the door.

"What the hell!" Mina almost screamed at Tooru. What just occurred had been one of the weirdest experiences Mina and Tooru had ever had.

"W-we need to go tell this to Aizawa-sensei right now!" Tooru said and the two began to run down the halls. Midoriya hadn't heard what the two had said outside but realised something was off.

"Shit," he mumbled to himself.

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