Bakugo hated to admit it but Deku's plan was pretty good. It was obvious that it had been carefully constructed so that their would be no part that Bakugo wouldn't enjoy as to not jeopardize the mission due to his stubbornness. Bakugo was to float to the second floor before bursting in while Uraraka guards the entrance to the ground floor. Bakugo is then to quickly make his way up to the third floor (the second highest) and hopefully find someone stationed where he will bait them by blowing up another hole in the wall which Iida will then make his way through (having also been lifted by Uraraka). Once together, Iida and Bakugo will both storm the top floor where people will most definitely be while Midoriya makes sure the first and second floor and both clear and then hopefully win. The rest of the groups went back to where they could safely watch on a screen while Team 4 got ready to put their plan into action. The first part succeeded perfectly with Bakugo smashing his way in on the second floor. Kirishima and Yaoyorozu who were both hiding on the top floor both looked at eachother.

"That's Bakugo," Kirishima said.

"Isn't that- a little higher up than it's supposed to sound?" Yaoyorozu asked listening intently.

"I should go down there," Todoroki whispered as he slowly went down the steps to the third floor.

"No you shouldn't! What if-" Yaoyorozu loudly whispered before being cut off by Kirishima.
"Aoyama," he said into his communicator, "positions."

Aoyama, who was on the first floor, said into his communicator, "Ochako's guarding the door with Izuku Midoriya checking each room on the first floor, Tenya's presumably outside and so is Katsuki but I heard him upstairs."

"Upstairs?" Kirishima said.

"Scout, if Midoriya's checking each room you're going to need to move, you're not that hidden," Yaoyorozu whispered.

"Copy that," Aoyama said in his flamboyant accent although he wasn't really listening.

"Wait if this is Bakugo and he got up to the second floor, he must've used Uraraka's quirk," Kirishima reasoned, "They must've thought we'd make traps and put them on the ground floor. And if Bakugou's being Bakugo, he'll be rushing as fast as he can up the building. Todoroki-"

Kirishima's callout was cut short by a massive explosion.

"Too slow," Todoroki said having dodged Bakugo's blast.

"Wasn't aiming for you, bastard" Bakugo sneered as Iida's foot collided with Todoroki's back.

"Thanks for the entrance, Bakugo," Iida said politely as Todoroki was pushed into a wall and fell down unconscious.

"Shut up four eyes," Bakugo yelled, " We've still got 3 more to take down. And I haven't heard anything from down there so they should all be..." He pointed upwards, "So until we either get confirmation that we're going into a 2v2 or Deku gets here, we can't rush."

"All clear, in these rooms so far," Midoriya said as he walked into where Aoyama was hiding.

"Surprise!" Aoyama called out and landed a direct hit with his laser to Midoriya's skull. Midoriya was pushed back into a wall and a pile of rocks fell onto his head.

"Deku!" Uraraka screamed and began to run to him. Aoyama used this chance to try and get past her and escape but Uraraka managed to catch him and put him in handcuffs.

"Down," Aoyama regrettably mumbled into his communicator. Yaoyorozu sighed while Kirishima facepalmed.

"If that idiot just left when you told him to-" He began.

"Save it, we know that with him gone, it's only a matter of time before the two down there rush us. Be ready," Yaoyorozu said calmly getting into a fighting stance.

"Right," Kirishima said and took up his own stance.

"Deku, are you ok?" Uraraka asked nicely. Midoriya got up.

"Yeah, heh, just got hit hard," Midoriya grinned, "So where are the others?"

"Oh, yeah," Uraraka said and talked into her communicator, "Aoyama down, rush the top floor."

Midoriya smiled, "I do love when a plan comes together."

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