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"What the hell is going on?" Kirishima yelled as everyone crowded in the common room, "So he wasn't a traitor?!" Most people were chattering wildly to each other while Uraraka went straight to her dorm. Momo and Tsuyu didn't know what to think at all and kept quiet in the discussions. Bakugo was almost already back to his old self screaming about how useless Deku was being for getting possessed or something.

"That was so scary," Kouji cried out.

"You can say that again," said Rikidou as Tokoyami and Shouji just nodded in agreement.

"It really was like a possession," Tokoyami said.

"What did he mean by ascension?" Kaminari wondered aloud.

"I'm gonna kill that son of bitch who stole his body!" Bakugo was screaming.

"So he was possessed?" Tsuyu asked herself quietly.
"He really is alive," Momo said. A wave of relief came over the class. It came over everyone except for Uraraka who was alone in her dorm.

"I hate Izuku Midoriya," she was whispering to herself as all the negative memories began flooding her yet again. Her astounding hatred to him was caused by a need to cover up the hurt with any other emotion. Without a good enough ground to build the hatred on though, everything comes crashing down.

The next day, Midoriya would be allowed back in class but could not leave the school or fall asleep without being contained. Aizawa had managed to discover that he could only be possessed when asleep.

He was welcomed back happily by most of his class though some still stayed clear of him including Uraraka, Momo and Tsuyu. In the halls as well, Midoriya would be called out as a traitor and be harassed. 'It's just like middle school,' Midoriya thought to himself.

"Uraraka," Izuku called out as he saw her. Uraraka immediately turned away from him.

"Go away, worthless Deku," she hissed. The words felt like daggers in Midoriya's stomach. They brought back a toxic version of nostalgia as the negative connotations of his name began to come back to him. Midoriya was left standing there as Uraraka walked away from him. Iida walked over to Midoriya.

"What's wrong with Uraraka?" Midoriya asked quietly. Iida sighed.

"I don't really know. After what happened with Tsuyu, she has hated you with a passion. Maybe she still thinks your a traitor?" Iida said sadly.

"Tsuyu? What happened with her?" Midoriya asked. Iida immediately recognised his mistake.

"Oh... uh... I shouldn't have said anything. Anyway, lets go to class," Iida said uncomfortably. Izuku took note of this, 'What happened with Tsuyu? Is she alright?'. Class continued as normal with conversations occasionally breaking out which unusually Aizawa allowed. He had missed the classroom spirit although he would never admit that.

"What's wrong with Yaoyorozu?" asked Midoriya haven't noticed her being incredibly quiet. He tried to keep his voice down but she heard causing her cheeks to go red.

"Oh... yeah maybe we shouldn't-" Kirishima said awkwardly, pulling his collar.

"What happened? Tell me! Something happened with Asui- I mean Tsuyu as well. I know something happened!" Izuku burst. Everyone flinched at the sound of his raised voice which Midoriya noticed and was saddened by. "Sorry," he said quietly.

"You used them," Todoroki voice broke the silence, "Well not you-you but the possessed you figured out Yaoyorozu and Asui's feelings for you and used them to escape." Tsuyu didn't bother correcting Todoroki as she was too busy holding her head in her hands, insanely embarrassed as was Momo who had tried to hide under her desk.

"Feelings? I don't-" Midoriya cut himself off. He looked down at the floor. Suddenly Uraraka exploded.

"You bastard! Don't try and act like you're sorry! I know you're still a traitor!" She screamed.
"No! I'm not! I promise!" Izuku said, completely surprised by Uraraka's outburst.

"If it was up to me, you'd already be dead, Deku," she said with clear disgust before getting up to leave the room, "I need to go to the bathroom," she said as she left. Aizawa pretended he didn't notice the situation or the awkward silence that followed.

"Tsuyu... Yaoyorozu," Midoriya began, "I am... so, so sorry for what happened. I-I couldn't... do anything. I'm sorry."

"I-It's not your fault, Midoriya," Yaoyorozu stuttered as she got back into her seat, face still red.

"It wasn't you," Tsuyu said as she turned to look at him. Izuku smiled at her and Tsuyu's heart began to melt. She couldn't help it, her feelings wouldn't leave her. Aizawa sighed, shocking everyone as they forgot he was there.

"Hagakure, make sure Uraraka's doing alright," Aizawa said and Tooru stood up and went to check.

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