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Aizawa noticed how quiet his class was this morning and sighed.

"So, I take it all of you have heard the news. Midoriya has betrayed us," Aizawa said, breaking the deafening silence. He could tell that most were still in shock. All the anger had left Bakugo's face and was instead left with emptiness. For just how long had Deku been a villain? For as long as Bakugo could remember the boy wanted to be a hero. There just couldn't have been a time where he changed his mind. Had it been him?

"Deku! You think YOU can be a hero!"

"I'll never know if I don't try Kacchan!" the green-haired boy smiled at Bakugo and Bakugo grimaced at him in return.

"What don't you understand? A worthless Deku like you isn't cut out for anything let alone being a hero! Maybe you should be a janitor instead." An eruption of laughter followed Bakugo's insults and he watched with a smile as more people began to insult Deku.

'No, why should I feel sorry for that damn traitor? He got what he deserved,' Bakugo thought as he grabbed the cast over his broken arm.

"Despite the obvious shock in reaction to the events that have just occurred, we will still be continuing class like a normal day," Aizawa droned expecting a sigh or groan but heard nothing. Throughout the day, Aizawa expected to look up and see Midoriya sitting in his seat, either writing in his notebook passionately or mumbling something to himself but saw nothing. After class, each member of the class slowly made their way back to the dorms. They were intercepted though by Class 1B student, Neito Monoma who walked over in front of them awkwardly.
"What do you want? Gonna brag about Class 1B some more?" Kirishima almost growled. The last thing anyone needed was Monoma.

"Uh... heh heh. I was actually going to say sorry to you all," Monoma said obviously uncomfortable, "I heard about Midoriya and it must be strange. So I wanted to apologise to you for all the times I've annoyed you."

"Thanks," Sero said dryly and everyone continued going to their dorms. Once Todoroki had reached his dorm he sat down on his bed. The whole day, he'd tried his hardest to take his mind off the day before.

'You really are just like your father'. Midoriya's words still flooded his mind, way more than his actions did. Not just his words from them but also from the tournament. He helped him use his left side, be proud of his identity. But that was all a lie. How did he not notice?

Iida lay on his bed. He couldn't bring himself to do his exercises, he lacked the motivation. He also noticed his schoolwork slacking and hoped Aizawa-sensei didn't notice. Iida tried to understand the reasoning of his friend. Of course, they were no longer friends. As he told Uraraka, they were not even acquaintances. But he didn't understand: Midoriya helped him fight Stain and accept my brother's disability. Did he have an ulterior motive? Iida wanted to go and Izuku all his questions but he knew that he was not allowed to visit him nor could he bring himself to when it came down to it. He was too scared. Looking at Midoriya on that day didn't just shock him, it scared him down to his very being. The way he battered Midnight-sense with ease and no mercy whatsoever. The Midoriya Izuku he knew was gone.

Kirishima couldn't stay still. He just kept punching his punching bag with full force. He couldn't contain his anger any other way. The thoughts of Midoriya, hurting everyone around him. He hurt even a teacher, he saw how badly Midnight's condition was. He tricked Yaoyorozu and used her. And now he's acting like it never even happened! Kirishima's punching bag flew off into the wall. Kirishima sighed and trudged over to pick it up.

"So unmanly," he murmured to himself.

Yaoyorozu had managed to keep a straight face for the whole day but as soon as she entered her dorm, she just sat on her bed and cried. She told all her friends about what Midoriya did but it didn't help relieve any of her stress or sadness. Aoyama heard through the wall and stared down sadly at his phone to see the headline: "UA TRAITOR REVEALED".

Uraraka couldn't bring herself to read it. She couldn't even bring herself to see Deku as a villain. Whenever she did, memories of his awkwardness, his smile, his murmuring, his attempts to help her whenever, his cuteness all seemed to take over. Silent tears made their way down her face as she thought of Midoriya.

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