Aizawa and Midnight were running as fast as they possibly could. Aizawa's thoughts were currently racing. Another villain attack? No it couldn't be. He was beginning to have flashbacks to when he was told Bakugo had been kidnapped. He felt so powerless. He couldn't even save his own student. What kind of a hero was he? Every step they got closer, the damage seemed to get worse.

"This was definitely not Bakugo's quirk," Midnight said as she stopped near the exercise grounds.

"You go that way, I'll check this way. Maybe someone's in trouble," Aizawa said as he ran in the opposite direction to the exercise building. Midnight nodded and ran towards the remains of the building.

"Ah you see the thing about that is... I am the traitor."

It seemed like an eternity of silence. Nobody moved. Finally, someone broke the silence.

"Wh-what?" Bakugo stuttered. Midoriya was smiling. It wasn't his normal smile. It lacked his innocence and heroism leaving it looking sinister and unnatural on his face.

"Midoriya... now is not the time to be joking-" Tenya began.

"I promise you, I'm not joking," Midoriya growled before beginning to laugh, "You really caught me out Todoroki but I just couldn't help it. You really are just like your father." Everyone just stared. Even Bakugo was too shocked for words and was left with his mouth quivering in fear or anger or shock, he just didn't know. "I know it shouldn't... but it does me good to finally hear someone catch me."

"But... it's... you," Yaoyorozu tried to speak but it proved much more difficult. Uraraka began shaking her head violently.

"No, no, no... Deku!" Uraraka tried to smile at Midoriya, desperate for him to say he's joking, "We're... your... friends?"

Midoriya's smile disappeared into a look of pure hatred as his eyes rested on Uraraka. "Ochako Uraraka, we were never even acquaintances." Uraraka seemed to break.

"But...why?" Bakugo seemed to be too confused to be processing all the information coming at him.

"How long?" Todoroki asked, his voice cold but his throat dry.

"Ever since the beginning, way before I met you," Midoriya replied calmly, "I'm surprised, you're so shocked Katsuki Bakugo, I really thought you were suspicious of me but I guess you were just as stupid as the rest." Midoriya observed his shocked classmates and sighed. "Well, it has been fun and I'm glad I could see your reactions but I have to be leaving now."

"Midoriya!" Kirishima screamed, "You! You planted the bomb, you told us that it was part of the exercise! Way before! You tried to kill us!"

Midoriya facepalmed, "Y'know I really thought I made it clear, but I guess some of you 'heroes' really are slow." Midoriya began walking towards the outer walls of UA which had been slightly destroyed leaving an exit.

"You betrayed us... and... and you just expect us to let you walk away!" Kirishima screamed and began running towards Midoriya with full force but was punched in retaliation. Due to his injuries, Kirishima fell to the ground. The others watched in silence except for Bakugo whose teeth began to grind. He watched as Izuku Midoriya turned to face them all and held out his arms as if he's ready to fight. This enraged Bakugo even more and could feel the embers emanating from his hands.

"You TRAITOR!!" He screamed as he propelled himself straight into Midoriya. His rage turned into power and he could feel as his hands, now without gauntlets, pushed themselves to their very limits. Izuku was different to before though. There was no mercy in his eyes and he was easily dodging all of the injured Bakugo's attacks. Bakugo's enraged state left him vulnerable to Midoriya's more calculating style which Midoriya took advantage of by getting easy and vital hits in on Bakugo. Bakugo fell to his knees with Midoriya standing about him holding his arm. Midoriya began twisting until Bakugo heard his own bones crack and cried out in pain.

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