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Everyone in their dorms were awakened by the noise and rushed out to see what happened. Aizawa also appeared realising what must have happened.

"Midoriya!" he screamed into the night once he saw the wreckage of where his room was previously. He immediately messaged all the pro heroes available and asked them to give chase to Midoriya. Meanwhile in the dorms, Class 1A all were ready to sneak out and try and save Midoriya.

"I will not let my friend die," said Kirishima, "The only reason why he would've escaped now is because of that ascension BS. Well I won't let his body be stolen, not when he was right under our noses!" Iida would normally object but he couldn't bring himself. He had to fight as well. Everyone agreed to try and save Midoriya including Bakugo and Uraraka who both pretended like it was a reluctant choice.

'I'm not gonna let that bastard die,' Bakugo thought, 'If anyone's gonna end up killing him, it damn well better be me!'

Aizawa overheard all the commotion and checked on his class.

"Shit, Aizawa-sensei," Kaminari said a little too loudly as Aizawa walked in.

"What's going on?" he asked calmly.

"Was that explosion- Midoriya, Aizawa-sensei?" Yaoyorozu asked politely.

"Yes," Aizawa said matter-of-fact-ly.

"We're going to get him back," Todoroki stated. Everyone expected an argument from Aizawa but he instead shrugged.

"I guess I can't stop you all but I definitely suggest not coming. Leave it to me and other pro heroes although," he stopped as he turned, "I will 'forget' about hearing your conversations and turn a blind eye this time. Don't make me regret it." He left the Class surprised and silent. After a few seconds, Bakugo stepped forward and grinned.

"Let's go get him back," he said and the class cheered. Aizawa heard the cheer as he was walking away and smiled before breaking out into a run. Only 4 other heroes were available: the remaining members of the Wild Pussycats and luckily, the new number 1 hero, Endeavor.

Once they met up they managed to track Midoriya down by following his path of destruction that led them to an old abandoned construction site. Class 1A weren't too far behind them. This was were they'll end it.

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