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The time was around 10pm and Izuku Midoriya still lay wide awake. People had come to question him again today and he still held to his story that he had no awareness of what happened. The door to his room was left open and Midoriya was still bound to the same chair having only been let out twice to go to the bathroom and was heavily supervised. Now though, nobody was there and the door was open. If only he could get loose. Tsuyu Asui walked past the door. Midoriya beamed.

"Asui!" he yelled and Tsuyu jumped.

"It's Tsuyu," she said almost out of instinct forgetting it was Midoriya she was talking to.

"Uh yeah, sorry, Tsuyu," he seemed so sorrowful like the normal Midoriya she knew.

"Is it true that your a traitor," Tsuyu asked. She knew that she wasn't supposed to visit him but she might as well ask now that she's here.

"No of course not!" he said absolutely serious, "I don't know maybe someone took over my body or something. I don't remember doing anything! I feel so bad."

Tsuyu looked at how guilty the boy looked and took a few steps closer.

"I'm sure if your innocent you'll be let out and accepted back soon," she said.

"Tsuyu," Midoriya spoke staring directly into Tsuyu's eyes. Her heart began to beat slightly faster, "I-I have something I need to tell you."

"What... do you need to say?" she asked getting even closer.

"I-I've always... really... liked you Tsuyu." Time stopped for Tsuyu. Her crush just told her that he likes her. A blush appeared on her face which Midoriya immediately noticed. 'But Midoriya's a villain... right?' Tsuyu's head began to play games with her as she got ever closer.

"Izuku," she said quietly and was now almost on top of him, "I don't know what to say.""Could you, just help my arm, a little bit?" Midoriya asked so adorably. Tsuyu unconsciously unbuckled his arm. Midoriya was free. He jumped up onto Tsuyu and held her in a hug. Tsuyu's blush grew even deeper before Midoriya's arm hit the back of her neck causing her to fall immediately into unconsciousness. "My apologies, Asui Tsuyu but I have places to be," Midoriya said and then ran out of the room.

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