Aizawa and the rest of Class 1A were caught off-guard as the camera turned to static. Without the audio available to the class, everyone assumed that the camera just broke. A groan erupted as the camera turned to black. "Pretty cool strategy though," Kaminari said.

"Ok, everyone, I'm just gonna go make sure, everything turned out right with them," Aizawa said to his class as he left the room. Aizawa slowly made his way down to the building but stopped on the way by Midnight who joined Aizawa.

"Huh, so the camera cut out," she said, "So weird, I've never seen that happen. UA tech never glitches."

"Hn. Could've been Bakugo, though while watching the footage he didn't seem that he was angry enough to cause an explosion that would blow up the camera."

"Well y'know teenagers and their mood-swings!" Midnight said happily but suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Aizawa then looked up and saw a massive black cloud of smoke coming from where the exercise building had been. Had a villain entered? The exercise building was near one of the corners of UA so it could be made into an easy entrance. He broke out into a run.

"Come on," he said to Midnight who was close behind.

"What... the hell was that?" Bakugo screamed. The sounds of coughing were coming from all around him. Instead of standing on the top floor of a building, Bakugo was now standing on a massive pile of rubble.

"What were they thinking? Putting a real bomb in a training exercise?" Kirishima asked to mostly himself.

"Kirishima," Iida spoke as he slowly got up, "There was no bomb in the exercise... or at least, there wasn't supposed to be."

"But-but..." Kirishima sputtered.

"What does that mean then?" Yaoyorozu almost screamed as she stumbled up.

"Guys!" a voice screamed out from outside the wreckage.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki's faint voice could be heard as he made his way out of the wreckage.

"Guys, what happened? Are you all ok?" Midoriya asked as Uraraka and Aoyama limped to try and keep up with him.

"Midoriya, how are you not injured?" Tenya asked.

"He left the building just before it exploded, me and Aoyama tried to follow him but still got caught in the blast. What the hell were you thinking Bakugo?" Uraraka screamed.

"What? You thought I did this? How the hell could I blow a building to the ground AND WHY THE HELL WOULD I?!" screamed Bakugo.

"No this is clearly the work of a traitor!" Midoriya commented.

"Huh? Traitor?" Kirishima pondered.

"What do you mean traitor?" Iida asked loudly.

"Are you suggesting one of us did it?" Yaoyorozu practically screamed.

"Well I didn't!" Kirishima yelled.

"Nor me!" Aoyama bawled, "I would never do such a thing, how could I- I'm just-"


Everyone looked at Todoroki.

"Traitor? What do you mean?" Todoroki stared at Midoriya. He stared back. "This could've been just a villain attack or a malfunction or many, many other things... but you... say it's a traitor?"

The world seemed to stop. Everything became silent. Nobody could move.

"Ah you see the thing about that is..." Midoriya began. "I am the traitor."

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