A few hours later, Midoriya was restrained in a chair in the main UA building. He had been heavily questioned by Naomasa Tsukauchi and was sticking to the story of him being unaware of all the actions that he committed. After the questioning ended, Tsukauchi got up and sighed. 'If this kid really is lying, he has to be a master manipulator or something. Even my quirk didn't work on him' Tsukauchi thought as he left the room.

"Please explain to me what the hell is going on," Toshinori was standing outside the room, waiting for Tsukauchi.

"You heard the report, I take it," Tsukauchi looked at Toshinori's pale face. It was rather obvious.

"I... don't believe a word of it," Toshinori began, "I know Midoriya. He's a true hero, he would never do any of these things."

"Well he says he didn't, despite all the witnesses," Tsukauchi had already started theorising, "I thought it could be a brainwashing quirk or something but the time-frame doesn't fit for him to have been brainwashed and those types of quirks don't usually last a long time. I'm stumped."

"Can I talk to him," Toshinori asked.

"I don't see why not, I'm going back to work. I don't believe students can visit next and who knows, maybe he'll open up to you." Toshinori just nodded and watched as his friend slowly walked down the corridor. Toshinori breathed in and out and pulled the door handle.

"All Might!" Izuku gasped, same as he always was, "Please help me, everyone thinks I'm a villain!"

"Midoriya," he began, "Tell me it's not true."

"Of course it's not true All Might! You know me, I would never attack Midnight-sensei or my friends." Izuku seemed exactly how he always was but something seemed slightly off.
"I-I don't believe you," All Might managed to say.

"Wha- How? All Might! Remember when we first ever met-" Toshinori cut him off,

"Todoroki has written in his report that you claimed that you had been a traitor long before you ever met him. How do I know that you haven't been faking since before you met me?" All Might looked at his disciple. Midoriya breathed out and his eyes looked like they changed. A sinister grin also crept onto his face.

"I guess you got me there All Might," Midoriya said, his normal innocence completely gone. Toshinori stood, terrified at the transformation. He broke free of his trance and then managed to raise his voice. "Midoriya! Tell me everything right now! No lying!" Toshinori's stern tone wavered when he asked his final question, "How could you?".

"All I will say is that it's been so fun lying to you. Maybe if you want more answers, you should ask All for One," Midoriya was still grinning. Toshinori felt like he had just been stabbed.

"No," he whispered to himself. "Midoriya, do not listen to anything he's told you! I don't know when but he must've brainwashed you, you have to be strong!"

Midoriya laughed devilishly, "I assure you, I have not been brainwashed... just inspired. Maybe I'll go off to meet him once I'm done with my business here." His laughter was pain to Toshinori's eardrums, "You can't reason with me All Might. I mean this is the first time you've met the real me."

Midoriya finally looked at All Might and his smile grew more, "Now that's the face I wanted to see!"

Toshinori couldn't say anything. He just backed away and out of the room, the laughter following him as he went. He was breathing heavier and heavier as his mind went over and over the events that had just occurred. Memories of past events such as their first meeting, the tournament, Bakugo's rescue, the USJ incident, the entrance exam whirled around All Might's head as he tried to fit them all together. Finally he stopped breathing so heavily and a look of rage took over his face.


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