The New Rules

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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I curl my fist and rake it against Reese's hotel door. My phone dings and a part of me hopes that it's Ace. I still can't believe he'd let us go through all of this alone, no word from him, no farewell to Jonah, nothing. I roll my eyes at my childish faith when I unlock my phone to see that it's only my Uber driver asking for his money.

I transfer the funds to him while I wait for Reese to open the door. Where the hell was he? He was supposed to meet me at this corner store a few miles from my house after the funeral but he never showed. I gave him some time but he wasn't answering any of my phone calls either. I didn't like how he presented himself as a shoulder to cry on, and now he was ignoring my calls. I bring my fist to the door again, and this time Reese opens it.

He's abandoned his black button-down for a wife beater but he still had on his black slacks. He's in black socks, so I know he wasn't planning on heading out anymore tonight. I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck happened in the past three hours.

"What you doing here, Candyce?"

I'm too stunned to answer. He gives me a bored expression. Why was he treating me like some annoying baby moms all of a sudden?

"What you mean? You was posed to pick me up three hours ago."

I shift back and forth on my feet. I notice how he still stands in the doorway and hasn't invited me in yet.

"And you thought it made sense to drive all the way over here? If I wanted to see you, I would have came to you," He says.

I take a step back. So he was brushing me off. But he had no reason to be doing it so harshly. He must be forgetting that I buried my little brother today. I took a chance being vulnerable even coming here and he was rubbing it in my face. This was why I acted the way that I did with everyone. I didn't have time for the hot-and-cold shit people liked to pull. When you're alone, all you have to worry about is yourself.

"If you ain't wanna do this then what was all that weak ass shit about 'I got you, Candyce'? Matter fact don't even answer that. I got too much going on to be dealing with yo bullshit too," I say as I turn around.

Of course, Captain Save-A-Hoe grabs my arm again. I don't know if he just doesn't like to be the bad guy or what but he really had to stop trying to save me when I tried to leave. It clearly gives the wrong message. It was embarrassingly obvious that we were not on the same page.

"Candy, wait," He says.


"I'm serious. Slow the fuck up aight? Let me talk to you," Reese jogs behind me in his black socks.

"I'm good."

"No you not."

I halt in my tracks. I was all out of tears, yet I still felt them tugging on my tear ducts. All of my tears belonged to Jonah. I'll be damned if I waste a single drop on a nigga ever again.

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