Can I Vent?

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Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Reese's hustle was one of the first things I found myself attracted to once we put our sexual chemistry aside. But as of lately, his hustle has been like a stain on our relationship. A stain that Reese is too busy to notice but one that I can't soak out on my own. I've been idly waiting around for the problem to fix itself but the more time that passes is more time Reese spends at the trap. 

While I've been sulking around the house these last few months, Reese has been singlehandedly getting the Algiers trap off the ground. When he wasn't doing that, he was boarding flights to meet his connect in New York for their monthly drop offs. Between plugging Caesar and all his other clients nationwide, he's been bringing in more money than his connect can count. I'm proud of him 'cause I know all he's ever wanted was the respect he deserved as a hustla. He'd be the first to say he doesn't owe Caesar for putting him on, but I think he's been trying to prove that he deserved that spot for a long time. It's no wonder he's been working himself into overtime. 

The only downside to him getting the credit he deserves is that it means spending less time with him. With all the flights, late hours and constant phone calls, we barely spend time together. Now that he's finally caught a break from work, I'm just starting to stress about my own. 

The bags Caesar entrusted me with are safe at The Loft. After the Fed raid with Ace, I'm not inclined to keep anything illegal at home. I'm still not sure if doing this would be able to make a dent on my bills but I have to try. I'm not losing all Ace worked so hard to maintain without putting up a fight.

Reese's head shifts under the comforter as he makes his way to me. When he reaches me, he has my juices covering his goatee and a stale look on his face. I start to laugh as I use the blanket to wipe his face clean. 

"Was I doing something wrong?" Reese asks. 

"No. I'm just thinking," I say. 

He fixes himself between my legs. He holds his body weight up by his elbows while he waits for me to talk. The only problem is, I can't tell him exactly what's on my mind without ruining the deal I made with Caese. I could have easily asked Reese for help but if Ace leaving has taught me anything, it's never to depend on anybody but myself. As soon as I found time to divvy the drugs up, I'll be dropping them off to Phora and Maxine. But that's a lot harder to do when Reese has his first time off in a while, and he's intent on using it to wine and dine me. 

"You really gon' make me ask?" Reese says.

I smile down at him. There was no use in lying to him. There was no way I was coming clean about seeing Caesar yet again, or about the deal I made with him. I really didn't want to ruin the mood between us but my brain was doing it for me anyway. So, I tell him about something else that's been bugging me. 

"Do you remember the girls I was with that night I met you?" I ask. 

His forehead instantly wrinkles up at having to think back that far. I don't blame him. If it wasn't for Angel encompassing my every thought that night, I wouldn't remember it either. I was so panicked about getting caught or followed back home, that I almost mistook Reese for one of his hitmen. 

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