Chapter 56 <Esmeralda>

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"We're going to stay here for a bit." Six sighed and leaned against the wall. "Your mother is locked up down in our dungeon below. It's at least 50 feet below this place and it has tight security. Most of them work for the Devil himself, so I guess you can guarantee that everything will go smoothly." I leaned back in the chair, sitting at a long table. Harley explained that this was the meeting room. And that we wouldn't be going to see the doctor until Magnus and Adam and Anarchy got back. They were probably worried I'd freak out without Magnus by my side. I can't even say that I wouldn't.

"Do you think they'll be here soon?" I asked softly. "I really want to get out of these clothes and...I want to check the baby..." I almost whispered. Six gave me a small nod and walked over to the table, sitting on it. His legs dangled a bit off the ground. Harley giggled.

"Well, Adam said that they'll be here soon and that was about 15 minutes ago. So they're most likely very close to coming back. If they're later than soon, I promise I'll grab Adam by his ear and teach him a lesson," Six smirked slightly. I slowly smiled.

"You can beat him up? The devil?" I asked, completely distracted from my discomfort a moment ago.

"Uh, Yeah babe," Harley butted in with a wide grin. "I mean, I think sometimes Adam lets him because little knifes can't just kill the devil. But Six really can beat the shit out of him. Don't worry though, it's usually during training. Newbies come in, Adam needs a partner to demonstrate on or the other way around. It's cute to watch," Harley sighed out almost as if it was dreamy. I looked between the two men and smiled.

"You're almost as freaky as Harley," I accused, looking at Six. His pale face lit up red.

"It's not like that, we aren't into that kind of stuff," He quickly dismissed, crossing his arms. Harley hummed.

"That's not what I heard the other night when I past your door~" Harley sang. Six widened his eyes immediately.

"What the fuck do you know—"

"Oh daddy~ Oh yes, yes, harder please!" Harley moaned out dramatically and squealed and six launched himself at him. I watched as Harley dodged him and ran around the table cackling. "Daddy! Daddy!" I held back my laughter as Six turned beet red while trying to covering Harley's mouth.

"What's going on here?" We all froze and looked to our right. The two main doors were wide open. Anarchy, Magnus, and Adam—or maybe Silas now, stood there. Magnus crosses his arms and hummed with a sly smirk.

"Magnus!" I gasped, getting up. Six shoved Harley to the side while Harley stuck his tongue out at him in return.

"Nothing," Six muttered to answer Adams question. I smiled and hugged Magnus as soon as he made his way over to me. It was a big, long hug and he even hoisted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. He made sure to support my hurt knee and kissed the side of my neck. I closed my eyes, relishing in the warmth his body radiated.

"You okay?" I asked. "Did you get hurt?" Magnus simply shook his head. I smiled softly. "Good..."

"You should take him down to get checked out," Adam instructed. I opened my eyes to look over at him. He held Six by his waist while he watched us. He gave me a gentle smile. "We'll meet you there, just have to make sure everything is secure with our prisoners."

"Yeah, okay." Magnus adjusted his hold on me, this time positioning me bridal style in his arms. I looked over his shoulder as he walked out and smiled softly at the men in the room before resting my head against his chest. I closed my eyes and sighed out in relief, clutching his shirt gently. "How's your knee?" He asked.

"It's okay, it hurts but it was a lot worse earlier than now." I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "But holding me helps a lot too," I slowly smiled as Magnus laughed softly.

"Uh huh, good boy," He chided, leaning down to kiss me.

"First, lets check your knee out. Am I allowed to cut your pants open? Just around the knee area?" I nodded and watched the doctor, different from last time I was in a hospital. "Alright." I reached out to grab Magnus's hand, squeezing it a bit tightly. Once she exposed my knee, she examined it. It was definitely a bit bruised and it hurt when she pressed her gloved hands around it. I sucked air through my teeth and flinched which caused her to retract her hands.

"It's not broken, just fractured. I'll bandage it and you'll have to wear a knee brace. Keep weight off of it and I wouldn't suggest to do anything with too much movement. Now, we'll bring in the ultra sound and make sure everything is good and healthy with the baby." She said, walking to the cabinet to retrieve some fresh bandages and a black knee brace. At this point, I had one pant leg and the other was just cut up to my thigh. I looked over at Magnus as she wrapped my knee securely and applied to brace.

"I think the baby will be just fine," Magnus whispered as if he knew my worries. I smiled softly and nodded. "I think so too."

The doctor slowly laid me back once the machine was brought in and applied the jelly to the very small and barely visible bump on my belly. It was cold and I shivered a bit, but both Magnus and I's eyes were glued to the monitor. And then we heard the faintest little heart beat.

"There they are," The doctor said with fondness. She pointed out the developing fetus and tears slowly fell down my cheeks. "Looks perfectly healthy, nothing abnormal." I sighed out and looked at Magnus. Shocked to see tears also pouring from his eyes, I kissed one of his knuckles and looked back at the monitor.

"Thank you so much," Magnus whispered to me. "Thank you for giving me this." His lips planted themselves on my own and I wiped my tears away once he pulled back.

"Thank you." I said back.

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