Family time.

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Natasha's pov

The sunlight coming from the window blinded me. I stirred a little bit and slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the clock to see that it is already ten in the morning, we over slept. I got up and took a shower before I wake them, When I was done I dried my hair and put a comfortable clothes. I got out and start to wake them.

"Hey baby wakey wakey." I whispered to Nate and put kisses on his face.

"Good morning mama." He said and rubbed his eyes with his little hands and sat up to hugged me and kiss my cheeks and cling on me.

"Daddy not wake yet?" He said quitely.

"Yep baby. Do you want to be the one to wake him?" I asked and stroked his hair.

"Okaay." He said and went to his father's and started to wake him. which is not that hard.

"Dadddyyyy wake up!" Nate said and kisses Steve's face.

"I'm up buddy. Good morning our prince." He said and returned the gesture to Nate.

"Good morning my love." He said as he turned to me and kissed my lips for a minute.

"Good morning too my love." I said smiling.

"Have a nice bath, I'll take care of Nate. We need to go it's already eleven, we'll have our lunch there." I continued and he nodded then went to the bathroom to get ready. I left the room to give Nate a bath in the other bathroom so that we can go.

After an hour we're all set. We went downstairs to see that almost all of them are there, they seemed to go somewhere because of their attire.

"Morning Rogers fam!" Tony squealed hurting my ears.

"Morning to Tony. Where are you guys going?" Steve asked curiously.

"The kids wanted to go to the amusement park. Wanna join?" Pepper replied. Oh what a coincidence.

"We're going there too." Steve said looking at me. I just shrugged and cleared my throat to speak.

"Well? See you there. We still haven't had our lunch and it seems like our son is hungry so we'll go first." I said grabbing Steve's left hand while he's carrying Nate on his right arm.

"Ok tasha see you there!" Tony said happily. What's up with him today? We just nodded at him with a confused look on our faces and head out.

"That was weird..." I muttered under my breath and Steve heard it and he laughed.

"Tony's always weird love." He said laughing entering the car.

"Yeah you're right." I replied chuckling.

"Let's go now shall we? But first where do our prince wanted to eat?" Steve said looking at Nate who's now giggling.

"To our favorite restaurant daddy!" He said cheerfully. I can't stop myself from tickling him.

"Stop mama! Hahahahhaa! Mama stoooop hahahaha!" His laugh is just cute! And I will not get tired hearing it  the whole day!

"So cute my baby!" I said and stopped tickling him and showered him with kisses instead.

"Hahahaha I love you mama!" He said and smiled at me. Steve cleared his throat getting our attention.

"What about me?" He said glancing through the rear view mirror.

"Hahaha just drive love both of us our hungry." I retorted.

"Fine fine whatever you say." He said rolling his eyes and laughs a little bit. I laughed at his dorkiness.

After a minutes of  drive we arrived to our favorite restaurant and took a table for the three of us and ordered something for us to eat.

"We're finished. Should we go already?" Steve asked pulling out his wallet for money to pay on the foods that we ate.

"Yeah just let me go to the comfort room." I said excusing myself and go to the comfort room to wash my hands and to pee. When I was done, I got out of there and walked to our table to see Steve and Nate whispering to each other. I wondered on what they are talking about.

"That's our secret ok?" I heard Steve said.

"Yes daddy I promise I won't tell!"

"What secret hmm?" I asked startling them. Well? I guess they didn't saw me coming?

"Nothing love! Let's go." Steve said diverting the topic and carried Nate outside.


Steve's pov

That was close!

"Mama's not going to be mad right daddy?" Nate asked.

"Of course baby she won't. You promise daddy not to tell anything to her right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Good boy." I said and smiled at him. We saw Natasha coming in our way and we entered the car driving us to the amusement park.

When we arrived we bought tickets and start to ride one by one. Nate seemed to be having fun, well that's the goal. After the fifth ride we saw the others so we decided to approach them. Well I need to talk to Wanda and Clint.

"Hey guys! Since when have you been in here?" Natasha asked once we are in their direction.

"Hey Nat! We've been here for like an hour and half." Wanda said happily.

"Oh we didn't see you earlier. Anyways gotta buy some water I'm thirsty, come baby." She replied and hold Nate's hand and walked away, when I'm sure that she's pretty far I talked to Wanda and Clint immediately.

"Wanda, Clint can I talk to you guys for a second?" Both of them looked to each other and responded.

"Sure Steve."

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