Chapter 21

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It was obvious that my rank had changed in the pack since taking charge of Sascha's punishment. The wolves around me have stopped seeing me as Orion's third commander. To them, I was now their Luna.

The change came to me as a surprise, slowly making itself known over the week that had passed. It wasn't my intention to step into the role so quickly, but the wolves who had watched the whole situation unfold submitted to my leadership as soon as I picked up the whip.

There were still some wolves in the pack who were still hesitant on calling me their Luna. I didn't worry about them, mainly because they still treated me as the third commander of Orion which was a breath of fresh air.

I got the see the best of both worlds, taking my time to savour every moment because I knew that once I gave birth, everyone will have no choice but to submit and my role as commander will be temporarily gone.

Kaelon hasn't left my side since the ordeal. He felt as if he had failed in protecting me and our pup by believing Sascha and this was his way of making up for it.

He took every opportunity to touch, rub or kiss me, so much so that Zoron and Edrik left us alone most of the time, feeling as if they were intruding in our relationship.

All of Orion's leaders were in the study. I had separated myself from Kaelon for all our sakes. We needed to get work done and there was no way that was happening if Kaelon was next to me.

I sat next to Edrik, working with him as we updated the patrol routes for the East and North tribe, trying to stay vigilant.

There had been no news about any attacks lately which wasn't surprising considering how many yellow-eyed wolves were killed when Hendrik organised a rescue. Their numbers had dwindled significantly and although we don't expect anything to happen for a while, we still wanted to stay on alert.

Reidon was still out there somewhere and my gut told me that he would never give up. Not until he got what he wanted.

As we worked, I started to notice an aroma in the air around us. Faintly appearing and disappearing a second or two later.

I had noticed it this morning when I woke up but it disappeared when I opened my eyes. At first, I thought it was just a faint memory, uncovered somewhere from deep within my mind.

Then, as the day went on, it became apparent that it wasn't in my head. I could actually smell it, longer and longer each time it appeared.

I looked around the room, trying to figure if anyone else smelt it. Zoron was working alone, rolling out report after report while Kaelon had buried himself in reading them. Edrik didn't seem to notice the change as he continued writing down ideas on a scrap piece of paper.

Turning back to me, Edrik read what he wrote before explaining the tactic and brainstorming the pros and cons. Pulling myself away from my discussion with Edrik, I sniffed the air, trying to work out where that milky scent was coming from.

"Do you smell that?" I asked Edrik, cutting him off. Edrik looked around me before sniffing the air.

"Smell what?" He asked, confusion plastered on his face.

I sniffed the air once more, this time not picking anything up. Dismissing my question, I asked Edrik to continue where he had left off, only to smell it again a minute or two later.

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