Chapter 35

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The sun was starting to set by the time Zoron and I had finished sorting everything out. We were still missing a few items which were scheduled to be delivered tomorrow morning. After that, we were ready.

We were fully prepared and on schedule. It will be two days until we start our journey to Nublius and in less than a week, Arctos, Orion and Nublius will be officially at war.

Thinking about it gave me chills.

"You're thinking about the war, aren't you?" Zoron asked.

We were sitting in the common room together, alone. It had been turned into a storage shed with little room to move.

There were crates of dried food, bundles of newly forged spears and large stacks of shields scattered around, so it was a miracle that we even found a table and chairs to sit on.

I nodded, gripping the hot cup of tea in my hand. "I can't help it."

"Force your thoughts to go somewhere else. There's no use thinking about it now, you'll have lots of time to think about it when you're actually fighting. All you can do now is keep close to the ones you love. This may be your last time seeing them."

I pressed my lips in a line. He was right. Kaelon, Edrik, Anneli and Jase would be coming with us with no guarantee they will ever come back alive. Suddenly, the thought of only having two days to spend with them seemed to be not enough.

They were all free now. No more training, no more meetings, no more talk of war. We all needed to rest and just be with each other before our lives changed.

"Two days is not enough," I sighed.

"Two days is all we have."

I studied the man in front of me, wondering why he was sitting here when he had so many people to see. He had his whole family living in Orion and he had his mate. Why was he here with me? Unless...

"This is you spending time with me isn't it?"

Zoron pressed his lips together. "Just in case..."

I reached out across the table and held his hand. "Just in case of nothing. We'll both come back so you're just wasting time on someone who will probably annoy you one way or the other for the rest of your life. Go on, go to your family Zoron. You need to spend more time with them than me."

He smiled. "But you're also apart of my family."

"I'm being serious, Zoron. You have your parents, Mae, Alina, your cousins. You have so many people who you need to see before you go and you're wasting it on someone who's actually coming with you." I pushed myself out of my seat and walked over to him.

I grabbed his arm, pulling him up. "We'll hang out on the run to Nublius, I promise, but right now you need to go to your family and stay with them." I dragged him towards the door. "That is an order."

"You can't order me, I outrank you," he replied, tripping over his feet as I pushed him out the door.

"I'm pretty sure I'm in charge right now," I smiled. "Go, stay with your family."

Zoron pulled me in for a hug, the first one he's ever given me. I hesitated, unable to get the thought that this may be the last time we saw each other out of my mind.

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