04: Planning

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Beam took a deep breath. He doesn't know how to start. They have been pretty close when they were younger. Even closer than Phana and Kit. He grew up with Forth always by his side. He was his first friend. He was his protector back then. Would he still be considerate of him if he finds out about his condition? 'I'll never know unless I tell him, right?' He told himself.

Beam took another deep breath. "I was sent here by my parents for a reason" he started. "It's also why they suddenly brought up about the marriage thing" he couldn't look up to meet Forth's eyes.

 "It's also why they suddenly brought up about the marriage thing" he couldn't look up to meet Forth's eyes

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"I'm pregnant Phi. I'm sorry for the trouble, for my parents making you responsible for me" he started crying once more. "I promise that even if we are married, I won't meddle with your life. I won't get in your way if you want to be with someone else---" he got cut off when he felt Forth's lips against his.

It was a gentle kiss, one wherein he is not forced to respond but encourages him to reciprocate. Beam closed his eyes and allowed the other to continue kissing him. After some time, Forth pulled back and cupped his face to look back at him.

"Who is he baby? Tell me who hurt you and why he left you? He can't just do this to you" he uttered with concern.

Beam placed his hands on top of Forth's on his face. "No Phi. It was a drunken...I can't say it was a mistake because I allowed him...I did...how..." he responded brokenly. "I liked him Phi but for him I'm just a friend. He doesn't even know of my condition" he finished and attempted to look down once more.

"Tell me Beamie, I will listen" Forth said.

The younger man told him everything. How he met Phana and Kit during his early school years. How their friendship formed and how he slowly fell for one of his best friends. When it happened and why it happened. What he felt when he found out about his condition. How his parents reacted and what they would like to happen. He bared everything out to his once protector. He just hopes that he won't leave him now.

When he finished his story, he was so scared to look into those warm brown eyes and see disgust. Forth figured that Beam won't look at him. He was the same cute chubby little baby of his back then. Whenever he feels shy or embarrassed, he would always avoid eye contact and just look away.

He cupped his face once more and looked him in the eye. "This will be the last time that I will hear you say or anybody else that this" he grasped his other hand towards Beam's stomach "is not mine. From today onwards, this child is mine and soon you as well. I will make sure that it will stay like that. I will not treat this child like another's" he finished as he kissed his hair.

Beam was shocked with Forth's words and was speechless. "I promise you Beam, I will love this child like how I would love our own. This is now mine, both of you are" he said once more as he hugged him tight.

"A-are you sure Phi?" Beam asked as he looked back into Forth's eyes. Searching for any hint that he might be leading him on to false hopes.

"Yes Beam, I'm sure" he answered.


The sun was already up high when Beam woke up. He slowly sat in bed and looked around the unfamiliar room. It took him a while to recall where he is.

He was in the middle of stretching while yawning when the door opened. He looked up to find Forth with a tray of food with him.

"Don't you have work today, Phi?" The younger man asked.

"Nah, I told my assistant to reschedule my meetings. So, I have the whole day or let's say a few days to spend with you." He answered with a fond smile while placing the tray on the side table.

Forth sat down beside him on the bed and ruffled his hair. "How was your sleep Beam? Still not used to your surroundings?"

Beam nodded and plopped once more on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling. "What time will we meet mom and dad today?" He asked.

He has been in London for three days now and his parents arrived last night. They agreed to meet today with both of their parents to plan their fast-approaching wedding.

"They will come here along with my parents." Forth responded.

Beam quirked his eyebrow in confusion. He thought they will meet up somewhere.

"Well, what we will be discussing is a very private matter and I do not wish for the paparazzi to have any ideas." Forth answered his unspoken question.

They shared the breakfast that Forth brought with him. They took their showers separately and prepared to meet their parents. Both of them were dressed casually and opted to have food delivered instead of cooking. They decided to have Korean for lunch.

Their parents arrived a few minutes after their food

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Their parents arrived a few minutes after their food. Forth let them in the house while Beam was preparing the food in the dining room.

"Still not used with the weather Beamie?" Brissa greeted her son.

"Mom! Dad!" Beam left the food in order to greet his parents.

"Aww...no hugs for us Beamie?" Friya playfully pouted at her soon-to-be son-in-law.

Beam blushed and smiled shyly towards his soon-to-be in-laws. He gave them each a hug before stepping back behind Forth. The older guy greeted each of their parents and invited them to eat.

While they were eating, they focused on lighter things. The elders asked about Beam's stay, and they found out he has not stepped out of the house since he arrived. He explained that he preferred to stay indoors for this week. Forth then promised to take him out to dates and he will not take no for an answer.

Once they finished eating, they moved to Forth's study room. There, they openly discussed the upcoming nuptials. The Jamornhums decided to have it at a week's time to coincide with Beam's pregnancy. Both Brissa and Boone are touched with their soon-to-be son-in-law's acceptance of Beam's situation. They are also very grateful with their friends' unconditional love for their only son.

Their parents will be the one to contact the press to release a statement about their wedding. The cover story would be an arranged marriage since birth who turned into childhood sweethearts. The reason for the abrupt wedding is that they are already expecting.

With it being settled, their parents left them to rest. Friya and Brissa will continue discussing the specifics of their wedding while their husbands will take care of the legal and public side of things. Forth and Beam will just need to have their suits made and be on the venue on the given date and time.

To be continued...

Published: 09/28/19
Edited: 04/26/22
Revised: 04/09/23

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