18: Scare

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Forth had to go to the office to meet a client. He had to be there along with August as it was one of their major projects. He was quite adamant to leave Beam as no one is available to accompany him at home.

Both his parents are in a different country attending a conference while Beam's parents are back in Thailand to man their own businesses. March has a clinic scheduled today while Fon has a caesarian operation to handle. He just hopes that his househelp received his message to stay with Beam until he comes home.

While in the middle of the presentation, his phone rang. He was supposed to ignore it, but he saw the name of the person calling. He immediately excused himself and stepped out of the room.

"Yes, Ms. White? Is there any problem?" Forth asked, trying to remain calm despite the worry.

"I'm sorry Master Forth! I know you're in an important meeting but it's quite urgent. It's Master Beam" the woman immediately said once her boss finished speaking.

"What happened to my husband?" He asked brusquely.

"I thought he was upstairs sleeping like the usual, but I found him unconscious in the kitchen floor. I'm bringing him to the hospital now and I've already informed Dr. March since I'm unable to get through to Dr. Fon" the lady on the other line explained.

"Who's driving Shannon?" Forth asked sharply.

"I am sir. I used your car." She immediately replied.

"Drive safely Shannon. I'll meet you there" with that Forth ended the call.

He was on his way to the elevator when August called his attention.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to the hospital. Something happened to Beam" Forth told his subordinate.

"Go! I'll take care of the meeting. I'll drop by later. Be safe Forth, Beam will be needing you." August told him.


Forth didn't know how he was able to arrive safely at the hospital. All he knows is he drove his bike like a maniac. It was a good thing he left using his bike instead of his car, else Shannon will have difficulty in rushing Beam to the hospital. He was so worried about Beam. He was fine this morning when he left him. What happened?

He was met by Shannon, his housekeeper who drops by the house every other day to clean and nowadays accompany Beam.

"What happened Shannon?" Forth asked breathlessly as he ran from the parking lot towards the hospital.

"I don't know Master Forth. I'm sorry! I should've tailed him when he left me by the pool since I was cleaning there" she sobbed out.

Forth took pity at the girl. She has been of service to him since he graduated. She needed the job to support her studies. He took her to sit and patted her shoulder. "It's okay Shannon. It's not your fault. Beam can be stubborn at times. Has Fon seen him or any doctor?"

"Dr. Fon rushed to the emergency room from her operation. It just so happened that she just finished the report when we arrived."

"I'll speak to her then. Stay here okay." Forth said as he made his way towards Fon's office.

Shannon nodded in response. She then wiped her tears from her face. She is so worried about her employer and hopes that he will be fine. The couple has been nothing but nice. She couldn't even ask for a better employer.


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