73: Ezra

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It has been months since Phoenix and Marius's wedding. Pierro already moved in to Bryce's condo unit while Kaleb is frequently seen at the Jamornhum household.

"Seriously Beam, are you trying to steal my sons from me? One is already staying there but the other one seems like moving in too" Kit commented during one of their get-togethers.

"Hah! You're complaining Kit? Eros already moved in to Ice's place and we can't do anything about it. Not even Yo's tears worked" Phana lamented.

"Your sons are seriously bullying ours to get their way" Kit harrumphed before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Hey Papa, Uncle Kit, Uncle Pha" Phoenix greeted them as he joined their table. "What are you grumbling about?"

"Your uncles decided to gang up on me just because their sons don't go home. It's as if it is my fault" Beam explained to his son.

Phoenix chuckled. "With Cale, I could say it is partially your fault Pa but for Eros, he is as bullheaded as Ice is."

Beam gaped at his son. "Are you accusing me of hostaging Cale in our home?" He asked his son incredulously.

"No need to pretend to be offended Papa. We all know how precious Air is to you. He is after all your baby kitten, and we all love you for being possessive of us. No one can beat you at that. But maybe just try to share Air with Uncle Kit and he'll get a dose of Air trouble" Phoenix said to placate his father.

Beam squinted his eyes as if giving it a thought then scoffed. "I'll think about it" he spat.


Before they know it, Malik is already giving birth. True to their words, Jagger and Adriel spoke with him a few days after the wedding. They asked him what his plans were, and he told them he just wants to leave the country after.

They spoke with Kit and Ming as well; they also informed their fathers of their plans. Kit was a bit apprehensive at first because Malik will leave the country. In order to pacify him, Beam suggested to send Derek with him since Jagger is already helping out with the business.

It took a while for Kit to agree. Even though he wanted to have his son with him, he knows he needs to leave in order to move on. He is torn in keeping the baby or not. He knows it wasn't the unborn child's fault.

Everyone agreed to the plan. They have also made sure that there will be no loopholes in the story. In order to make it appear that it was Adriel and Jagger's child, they made sure that the records of Adriel's previous pregnancy will be gone.

Both Adriel and Malik were confined at home. Fon opted to stay in Bangkok until Malik gives birth. They have already made the necessary precaution of having an impromptu operating room at the Vongviphan mansion. They wouldn't dare risk the exposure at the hospital.

Fon was there the moment the contractions started. They rushed Malik to the Vongviphan's to have him give birth there. Fon was assisted by Beam, Phoenix and Phana. Kit was pretty useless at that time as he was worrying so much about his son. March, who arrived a few days ago, was also there to look after the newborn.

The moment the baby was taken out from Malik, March took care of him. Yes, it was a baby boy. He cleaned the baby and clothed him with the prepared baby clothes before handing him over to Jagger and Adriel. When they had the baby, they left for their home with March in tow.

Fon focused on stitching up Malik. Afterwards, they had him moved to a guest room at the mansion. Kit and Ming took over in looking after their son once he was moved to the room.

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