36: Attacked

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Beam was awoken by loud voices coming downstairs. He just got home this morning from a major operation at the hospital. It has been a year since he completed his internship, and he is now a licensed neurosurgeon. He decided to get up and check the time.

"It is now lunchtime, and the boys must be home by now," Beam said to himself and moved towards the door.

On his way down the stairs, he could hear Phoenix's cries of "No! Let go! I'm not coming with you!" and Jagger's screams of "Let my brother go!" He hurried his way towards the noise. He was just in time to see Phoenix being dragged towards the door while Jagger was thrown against the wall.

"Jagger!" Beam shouted as he ran towards his son.

"Aargh!" The woman screamed as Phoenix bit her hand that was grasping on his wrist. Once he freed himself, he ran towards his papa and brother. He is now beside Beam who is trying to attend to the unconscious boy.

"Jaggie I'm sorry! Please wake up Jaggie!" Phoenix cried beside his motionless brother.

Beam looked around and saw the woman who flung his son earlier. "You! How dare you cause trouble here in our home! Who the hell are you?"

The woman scoffed but paled instantly when Phoenix screamed. "Papa! There's blood on Jaggie's head."

Beam became furious and lunged at the woman. "Look what you did? Who are you and what are you doing here?" He screamed at her face.

"I-I'm here for my son! You took him from me!" The woman screamed back.

"I-I'm here for my son! You took him from me!" The woman screamed back

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Beam stared at her coldly before chuckling mirthlessly. "Your son? You don't have any son here. Those boys are mine. They are both Vongviphan-Jamornhum. I haven't impregnated anyone and neither did my husband. Now leave before I smack that face of yours."

Just then, Shannon came in with Derek. They were followed by David and Jasper. "What's going on here?" Derek asked as he approached them.

"How did you get in here?" David asked at the same time as he pulled out his walkie-talkie to check on their guards. "Jas, take her with you. She clearly trespassed in the property ---" David was unable to finish his orders as Beam was roughly pushed and lost his balance.

"Beam!" Derek rushed towards his friend slash boss who is now sprawled on the floor.

"Papa!" Phoenix screamed at the same time while having Jagger's head on his lap.

"Get her!" David ordered the two newly arrived security. "Take her to the station. I'll let Master Forth know about this."

"Beam! You're bleeding" Derek gasped as he saw splotches of blood on his friend's crotch.

"Shane! Take young master Jagger to the car. Jas, you help Derek in carrying Master Beam" David instructed as he moved towards the door.

"How about me?" Phoenix asked.

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