19: Housemates 🔞

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While they were having brunch, Brissa and Friya couldn't help but fuss about Beam's health. They had a competition on which option would be Beam's choice of food. This made the pregnant man exasperated and dropped his cutlery altogether on his plate.

This act made both ladies halt their movement and caught everyone's attention.

"Mom" he called out to both of them. "I know you mean well but I am not a four-year-old child that you need to smother with your overwhelming attention. For crying out loud! I am pregnant and it's somewhat normal for pregnant people to experience fainting spells. You of all people, yes both of you, should know this" Beam finished his rant.

Forth could only look at both mothers apologetically while rubbing soothing circles on Beam's back. This earned a chuckle from Boone.

"Forgive your mother na Beam. She's just too worried about you" Boone addressed his son and looked at his wife. "And you, my dear, don't overwhelm our son. He's right in a way and he has Forth to nag him at all times. That's his job now" he said as he winked at Forth.

"I'm so sorry Beamie. I sometimes forget that you're all grown up now. I guess I'm just also too excited with the baby" Friya spoke up.

When everyone calmed down, Beam turned his focus on the three unknown men. "So, care to tell me which one will be your secretary?" He asked Forth while giving him a stinky eye.

Everybody tensed up once more. They could feel the underlying chill with the tone of voice that Beam used in asking. August cleared his throat in nervousness. "Uhm...yeah, Beam I would like you to meet Ryan Swift, Forth's newly hired secretary" he gestured to the guy sitting next to him.

"H-hello Mr. Jamornhum" Ryan greeted them.

"Then the guy sitting next to him is Jasper Lee and beside him is David Kang. They would be yours and Forth's security detail and driver at times" August introduced the other men.

They simply nodded before extending their hands to Beam. To be polite, Beam shook their hands but asked, "Why would we need a security detail?"

"London is not the same as Bangkok Baramee" Boone spoke up and with him calling his birth name, it means the decision cannot be contested.

"It's for your protection Beam. There are others that would look out for your safety but this two here will be with you at all times" Jared added.

"But why?" Beam whined.

"Baby listen, we do not have a typical family

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"Baby listen, we do not have a typical family. Both sides of our family are pretty influential not only in our country but in other parts of the world. It would be for our best interest to be protected at all times. We cannot tell when someone would attack us" Forth calmly explained to him.

"Look Beamie" Brissa called her son. "I know it is inconvenient to have guards following you around but they are trained to be discreet. Please listen to us" she begged him. "I even begged you. Don't make me repeat myself Baramee"

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