40: The "P" Twins

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It was the night of Jagger Vongviphan-Jamornhum's dinner party. Fon and March are getting ready in their room while Miara and Marius are in their own separate rooms.

"Hey Mau, are you done?" Miara asked as she stepped into his twin's room.

Marius stepped out from his walk-in closet and sat beside her on the bed. "What's wrong?" He asked as he could sense that his sister wants to talk to him.

"Listen, before you react otherwise. I love you cause you're my brother, my twin but sometimes I hate you like right now" she said as she folded her hands on her lap.

"Huh? What did I do this time Mia?" Marius was totally confused.

"It's not what you did. It's what you did not do. I feel like you think so lowly of me for hiding things from me. I know about you and Phoenix. I'm just waiting for any of you to admit it." She bluntly told him.

Marius looked at her guiltily. "What do you mean about me and Phoenix?" He asked, beginning to panic.

Miara glared at her twin. "Admit it, Mau. You and Phoenix are dating. You can just admit it. I'm not that into him anyway."

Marius was dumbfounded. He is unsure what to tell her but opted for the truth. It has been a week since they talked, and Phoenix never answered his calls and texts afterwards. It might do his relationship good if he comes clean to his sister.

He hesitated for a bit before nodding. "Yes, Phoenix and I are dating. I'm sorry I know you like him, but I can't let him go for you. I love you Mia ask me anything but that."

Miara laughed heartily at her brother's confession. "Silly Mau! I just pretended to like him and see if it will push you to admit your feelings to each other. Even the most oblivious person in the world could figure out that you have the hots for each other"

"Sooo...you mean to say, you're okay with him and me dating?" Marius asked sceptically.

"Of course, Mau. Even our parents could sense something going on between you two! How can you be so dense? I bet even Uncle Forth and Uncle Beam are already aware." Miara groaned.

"But I thought mom and dad are trying to push you two together?" Marius voice out.

"Urgh! I can't believe someone as smart as you could be this stupid! Our parents don't give a shit who we date as long as we're happy." She replied as she threw her hands in the air, an act of giving up on her brother.

"But---but---" Marius stuttered.

"Shush you! If you don't pull your head out of your ass you might lose him! I tried messing with both of you so you could come out, but you really had to put your tail between your legs! Right now, I'm ashamed to call you my brother!" Miara screeched.

This brought March and Fon towards their son's room and barged in. They saw their daughter huffing in anger towards her twin.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" March roared at his children.

Miara looked at her father defiantly. "This stupid guy right here is too much of a coward to admit he is dating with Uncle Forth and Uncle Beam's Phoenix. He thinks all of us will go against him and have Phoenix shipped with me" she even had the courage to roll her eyes. "Oh, for Pete's sake! Get some sense into him before it's too late!"

"Oh, Mia you're being overdramatic. But Mau, your sister is right. Nix is a great kid. We've known him since he was a little boy so that should be a bonus" Fon said as she sat by the windowsill.

"You mean, you're okay with me dating Phoenix?" Marius asked his family.

"Of course, silly! I've my eye on a different guy already if you must know" Miara told her twin.

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