61: Fury

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Ming looked at Beam intensely when he heard the Older's last statement. "What do you mean by sexually abused Phi? Who the fuck would do that to my son?" He asked enraged.

"You should have known better Ming! You shouldn't just let Kit decide what happens in your family. Man up, will you?" Forth stepped in front of Beam in a defensive stance.

"And mind your tone. We are the ones whom you've wronged and not the other way around. We know how much you love your husband but know when to put your foot down. Malik is your son, you stupid asshole" Forth added.

Beam placed a hand on his husband's shoulder. "Thanks love" he acknowledged his husband defending him. "Yes Ming, Kit might be your husband but know when to set things right especially when it comes to your children."

Ming looked at the couple helplessly. "I'm sorry Phi. I know you think I only care about Kit, but I really care about my sons. We argued last night when we got home. I won't go into detail, but I want to know what happened. I want to be there for him."

Wayo stood from his seat. "Fuck this. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You might be competent enough when it comes to your professions, but you are completely useless as parents!" He ranted as he stepped closer to the window.

"You used to tell Pha and I that we spoil Eros too much. That's not spoiling, it's called being attentive. I understand Uncle Makai barely had time for you Ming when you were growing up but that doesn't mean you do it to your kids too."

Phana took a deep sigh. He rubbed his temples before he spoke. "Kit, we know you're upset with what happened but that doesn't mean you can act based on your temper. You're no longer a hormonal teenager for crying out loud."

"It's not us whom you should be asking for forgiveness, it should be your son" Beam said.

Both Kit and Ming have tears in their eyes, but it was Ming who spoke up. "I want to know what happened to Mai. I need to know who did that to him. I beg you Phi."

Beam took the laptop placed beside him on the desk. Jasper had placed it there when they arrived. He handed it to Ming, face void of any expression.

"The videos are in there. Wayo and I watched some of them but were unable to finish" Beam said as he looked out the window once more.

Phana and Forth huddled behind the couple. They started watching the videos. Their expression ranged from livid to horrified. They couldn't believe someone would do this to someone sweet and innocent. Malik maybe effeminate but he doesn't deserve the way he was treated.

"Bring me to that kid Beam! I will deal with him personally. How dare he do that to my nephew!" Forth clenched his fists as he looked up from what they were viewing.

"Enough Ming! I don't want to see anymore!" Kit screamed as he slammed the laptop shut. "How dare he do that to my son! I will personally castrate him with my own hands!" He was so infuriated with the humiliation his son went through.

Kit was in hysterics. "How could he do that to my precious baby? I will ruin him and his family!" He roared as he stood up and was about to step out of the room.

"Kit, wait!" Beam stopped him. He knows how irrational at times his friend could be. He doesn't care about consequences when it comes to him and Phana, what more if it's his sons.

"Sit down first. You need to calm down and plan first. What do you want?" Beam said as he made Kit sit back beside Ming.

"I want that asshole in pain, so painful that he'll regret messing up with my innocent Mai" Kit hissed through gritted teeth.

"I'll make sure of that Kit. I'll make sure he regrets his existence" Ming promised his husband.

"The kid you were talking about earlier is him, isn't it P'Beam? Can you take us to him before we talk to Mai? I want to ensure that he wouldn't bother my son ever again, only then I ask for my baby's forgiveness" Ming told their friends.

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