31: Phoenix 🔞

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Beam's constant loud moans and screams filled the room with Forth's continuous ploughing of his ass. His husband had him tied up on the bed with his hands and feet above his head. They have been at it ever since they arrived home with Forth picking him up from the park and leaving Phana by himself.

It was surprising to see that his husband was so calm after the turn of events. It seems that he was just waiting for them to be in the comfort of Beam's room at the Vongviphan residence. When they arrived, Forth hurriedly carried him over his shoulder and had him thrown on the bed in a matter of minutes. No one dared to bother them once they heard their young master moaning in his bedroom.

It was almost midnight when Forth stopped claiming his husband over and over again. He cleaned him up and they shared a warm soak in the tub inside Beam's suite. Forth asked one of the househelp to bring something up to their room to eat.

Beam was currently sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard. "Fuck! I hate you" he pouted at his husband.

"Well, what would you have expected me to do? Beat your best friend to a pulp for kissing you? That would have upset you even more" Forth said as he sat beside his sulking Beam and dropped apologetic kisses on his face. "I just had that need to reclaim you. I'm sorry if I went overboard."

Beam leaned his head on his husband's shoulders while Forth wrapped him in his embrace. "Hmmm... that's why I love you so much you know. You are always considerate when it comes to my feelings."

"Of course, baby. You know how much I hate it when you're upset, and I love you too." Forth declared.

"I love you more daddy" Beam said coyly.

"Stop it Beamie. We need to eat and sleep since we need to go to the hospital later in the morning" Forth told him sternly.

"But seriously Forth, be more considerate of my ass next time. Aside from being numb halfway down my body, I think it will be permanently gaping you brute!" He said as he smacked his husband.


Once they have finished eating, Beam asked Forth to carry him to the balcony as he would like to stare at the stars before going to sleep. "You can smoke there, I won't mind" he added.

Beam was lying down on the couch with his head on Forth's lap while the older guy smokes. "How was your talk with her?" The younger man asked his husband.

"Well, she turned her rights over to me legally. She was more than glad to have him with us as she feels she isn't enough for Phoenix. His mother left him to her care even knowing she has kids of her own. She loves Phoenix as her own, but she knows he will be better off with us."

"Won't Rachel be after Phoenix once she finds out you have him?" Beam asked.

"Oh, I'm prepared for that baby. She neglected him and hid him from me. I'll take her to court if needed" Forth responded as he blew out his smoke.

A few days before Beam received a call from his mother, Forth approached him and talked to him.

"Listen, baby, remember when we talked about children knocking on our door claiming to be ours?" Forth asked Beam nervously.

"What about it?" Beam answered in a clipped tone.

Forth took a deep breath. "Well, you see...the sister of one of my previous flings contacted me" he took a pause to breathe. "She said she has my son since Rachel left him in her care. She would like for his nephew to be with his real family, said she couldn't give him what he needs since she has children of her own."

"How old is he?" Beam asked in a soft voice.

"He's now four, two years older than Jag. I had him tested and it was positive. I want to ask for your permission to bring him here and live with us" Forth said as he looked into his husband's eyes.

Beam stared straight back into his eyes and smiled. "Why do you need my permission, love? He is your son, and this is your house. And did you remember my answer from before? As long as they are not younger than Jag."

Forth felt his heart swell with overwhelming love for the man in front of him. "I am asking you because I love and respect you. I wouldn't want you to be offended when I just suddenly bring him home. And this house is much as yours as it is mine, everything I own is yours too."

"How can I not accept your child who is in need of their parents' love when you have welcomed Jag and claimed him as yours. You're being silly Jaturapoom, you know?"

Forth chuckled. He embraced the love of his life. "Thank you for loving this silly man, Baramee!"

"Uhmm... I just have one request love" Beam said a few minutes after.

"What is it?"

"Can he have the same name as Jag's? I would love for him to be a Vongviphan-Jamornhum too."

"You'll have him carry your name?" Forth was surprised. He was not expecting this reaction from Beam.

"Why not? Jag is using yours. I don't see anything wrong with him using mine too." Beam replied nonchalantly.

"You really are wonderful Beamie. I love you so much" Forth said as he kissed him on the lips.

The following day, Forth brought his four-year-old son, Phoenix, home. He looked like a mini version of Forth but paler in complexion. He was also aloof, and it took a while before he warmed up to them.

Beam approached them while Forth was still carrying Phoenix in his arms

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Beam approached them while Forth was still carrying Phoenix in his arms. He simply reached his arms out to see if the little boy would go with him. The couple was overjoyed when he reached out to Beam in return. Beam gladly took him in his arms and carried him towards the playroom where Jagger is currently at.

"Hi, Phoenix. My name is Beam, you can call me Papi like your little brother Jag does."

Phoenix looked at him and blinked his eyes before opening his mouth and said, "Papi...brother?"

"Yes sweetheart, your brother" Beam answered as he slowly put him down to play with Jagger.

It was a lovely sight to see both of the kids warming up to each other. The couple stood by the door and watched their children get along.

"How are mom and dad dealing with both Jag and Nix?" Beam asked his husband.

"Well, they are enjoying their grandchildren. It took a while for them to pick up when I called earlier to advise that I am already here in Thailand." Forth answered.

Beam chuckled and sighed afterwards as he snuggled into his husband's lap. "What's wrong, Beamie?" Forth asked as he noticed his anxiousness.

"It's Pha. I'm worried about him and Yo. I also know that Kit will be after my head if he finds out Pha and I met, and I didn't see him."

"Hmmm... set up a lunch date with them before we go back home" Forth suggested and he could feel Beam tensed up with the suggestion, so he added "I'll go with you, no need to worry okay" and kissed his temple.

"Let's call it a night love. We need to be at the hospital later" Forth said as he carried Beam back to the bed.

To be continued...

Published: 11/18/19
Revised: 04/09/23

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