i don't know any losers!

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sarah's pov
last night was definitely unclear, hazy, confusing and most of all wrong. i am definitely not into Chase. Neither does he. I mean look at me. Just a loser at some famous high school.

I sighed as I'm getting ready. I jammed to some of Taylor Swift's songs. She's totally a queen. While i was putting on my necklace, someone knock the door. "mom, if its you I'll be downstairs in five!" i yelled but the knocking keep continuing. I put my necklace back on my dresser and open the door.

Its Chase. "Ch-Chase I was-" i said. "mom said breakfast is ready." he said. "oka-" i said and once again been cut. "is that lover?" he asked. "ye-yeah i guess it is." I said as Lover was playing. "i thought you didn't know these kind of songs." I chuckled walking back to my dresser to put on my necklace. "what?! Taylor is my queen." He walk into my room.

I was quite struggling with putting on my necklace. "here let me help." chase said. so he did. then, he grabbed my hand and we dance to Lover across the room until the end. As we're both leaning in and our nose touched. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE GONNA KISS. DO I HAVE TO PULL BACK? HE'S CLEARLY WANTED TO KISS ME TOO. OH SHIT. I thought. "KIDS BREAKFAST!" I heard Tamora yelled from downstairs. We both pulled apart and head downstairs.

"what took you so long?" Mom asked. "I-i searched for my necklace." I startled. Not a split second, Chase's and my eye contact broke. Its like we're locked into each others gaze. "cut it you two. go to school before y'all late." Mom snapped. We both nod and get to school.

Damn it feels like a long ass ride to school but its just 20 minutes. Silence consumes in. We don't even say any word about the "almost kiss" thingy. Then, he stopped by the bus stop like always. i walk to school.

As i walk to my lockers, i saw Ryan was talking to Lauren. "Hey Ryan." I greeted him. "Oh hey, Sarah. I was just dropping Lauren off." He said. "have you any idea where the heck is Anthony?" I asked Ryan. "Its been a while since i saw him. He's acting very weird." Ryan said. "see you later babe." ryan kissed Lauren's cheeks. "you too." lauren smiled. Great, now Anthony is missing. No texts, no calls, no everything. He don't even show up to school!

"sarah, you look extremely- i can't say if its you're blushing or fluttering or even scared." Lauren said. I started to tell her everything that happened this morning. "JESUS THAT'S-I CAN'T." Lauren exclaimed. "Keep it low." I shushed her. "chase is into you!" She whispered. "really?" i asked. "yeah, i know how he looks at you. at school, during the dinner, when you're with Anthony." lauren said. "you totally have to talk about the kiss." she continued. "almost laur. almost." I said. "you're right, in fact. ill talk to him right now." i said. "you go gurl." Lauren exclaimed.

I walk to Chase who is having his arm around a girl and chatting with his buddies. He's just a few lockers away from me. "hey chase." i said and everyone in the group look at me. the girl was looking at me disgustingly. "whattup betts." he chuckled. "we need to talk about the ki-" i said but he cut me off. "about what? oh sorry i don't know any loser or even talk to them!" Chase yelled and made the whole school laughed.

I shooked my head in disbelief. I can't believe it, he changed again. I ran to the nearest toilet and hide in one of the bathroom stall. "i fucking hate chase hudson. i fucking hate everyone!" I yelled. I thought Chase was slightly different but i guess he's isn't.

Then, someone knocked on my bathroom stall. "hey sarah. get out." Its Lauren. "Go away Laur." I cried. "oh come on Sarah Jane Betts. You're one of the strongest person i know! if people say you're a loser, then i am a loser too. we'll be losers together. we can go through this, sar. those people out there, they don't deserve you." Lauren convinced. "Come on you'll miss classes." She said again. "I'm fine go ahead." I cried and i saw Lauren's shadow walk away.

School ended. I finally get out of the bathroom stall. I spent my time crying in there of course. "sarah." lauren hugged me. "do you need anything?" she asked. "im good." i nodded and walk away.

As i cross a road, someone pulled me to the side. I almost got hit by a car. its chase. good lord. "GET OFF ME!" i yelled. "YOU COULD'VE GOT HIT BY A CAR!" He yelled back. "SO? I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT HUDSON. NOW, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." I snapped than walk away.

"you look-very sick. are you okay honey?" mom asked as soon as i stepped into the house. "do you want me to get the doctors?" Tamora asked. "I SAID I'M FINE!" I yelled and make everyone shut up. Chase just looked at me with an "asking for forgiveness" look. yeah fuck that.

I went into my room and slammed the door. Fuck my life, fuck chase, fuck school, fuck Anthony, fuck everyone! why me?

 Fuck my life, fuck chase, fuck school, fuck Anthony, fuck everyone! why me?

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

liked by avani and 87,929 others.
itssarahhh- not in good place rn </3. have a good day y'all.
laurenxo- i love you!
laurenxo- you're such a strong girl
itssarahhh- i love u too.

avani- aw bebe, im always here to talk.
itssarahhh- thanks bebe <3

madimonroe- love you bubs
itssarahhh- love u more.

jadenhossler- stay strong bbg <3
itssarahhh- thanks j <3

username- attention seeker
username- yeah she just wants attention soooo she act like she's sad and shit.
username- what a hoe.

username- Anthony where are you!

username- i love you! we love you. remember that <3
username- stay strong boo!
itssarahhh- i love y'all <3
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1056 words.

author's note: so this chapter is kinda triggering me alot while writing. its like connected to me somehow ya know? if y'all really read it, y'all be in tears. don't forget to vote! i love y'all sm!

why me?- chase hudsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora