you missed your stop

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sarah's pov
"Sarah, honey. wake up." Mom said, shaking me. I groaned as i rubbed my eyes. "the doctor had discharged you. go get ready for school." mom said, lending me my clothes. I nod and took the clothes and change in the room toilet.

I felt really good now. All thanks to Chase. As i changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. "Wait, this isn't mine." I said to myself. "Mom! Where do you get this?" I asked as i peek through the door. "Its in the toilet hanging. I thought it was yours. Maybe its Chase's" Mom said. Great. Now people will thinking we're together but this hoodie smelled good not gonna lie. I tied my hair half up, half down.

"nice hoodie, Betts." Chase said as i walk out. "my mom took it by accident. so-sorry." I stuttered. "nah, its fine. it looks better on you than me." Chase said as he walk towards me, closing the gap between us. "kids if you're-" mom walked in suddenly. "why i always walked in when you two are doing something?!" Mom sighed. Chase laughed. "No mom- we're doing nothing." I said, stepping back from Chase. "Well then, if you two ready. you can head to school now. Me and Tamora have settled the bills." Mom said.

"Where you think you're going?" Chase asked as he stood beside his BMW. "School?" I said in a duh tone. "By walking? You'll be late." Chase said. "So?" I asked. "Oh come on." Chase said opening the car door for me. Something just possessed this kid. Although i hesitate to go in, he keeps forcing me. I gave up and accept the ride. The whole ride was consumed by awkward silence until Two of Us by Louis Tomlinson is playing.

I sang to it with tears sliding down my cheeks. "Hey are you okay?" Chase asked as he put his hand on mine. Weird flex but okay. "ye-yeah. its just, this song reminds me of my dad." I said as i wiped my tears off. "Its fine, he's looking at you right now. I know it. He is hella proud of you of how you become now. You're super strong." Chase said while his hand rubbing against mine. I nod.

As we drove pass by the bus stop wherw he always dropped me off. "Chase-you kinda missed your stop." I said pointing to the bus stop. "Oh did i?" He smirked and continue driving. "You aren't going to kidnap me right?" I terrified. "of course not. i could do so much better." He smirked. "uh 18 and above." I said. "Well, we both technically 18." He shrugged. "You pervert." I slap his shoulder playfully. "Ow. What's that for?" He said in a baby voice. "That's for playing with me." I laughed.

We arrived school. Surprisingly, he parked in front of the school. "Chase, i can't. People will see us." I shook my head. "So? Fuck them." He shrugged as he was about to opened the door, i pulled him. "You want to be seen with a loser?" I asked. "Oh cupcake, you ain't a loser." He said as he peck my lips. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. its wrong. but it felt so right. what am i doing. this is so wrong. what are we?-" i thought but it got interrupted by Chase. "Aren't you coming?" He asked. I nodded awkwardly.

As we both walked into the school together, all eyes were on us. "Its fine, I'm here." Chase whispered to me that gave me chills. "So you didn't drop her this time huh?" Lauren asked. "Nope, i dropped her at where i should from the first time." Chase smiled at me. "Yo Chase!" His friend, Payton called him. "See you ladies, later." He winked at me.

"What was that? Is there something you didn't tell me?" Lauren bombarded me with questions. "Nothing, its just Chase being Chase." I laughed awkwardly. Lauren gave me that "tell me what's going on lady or your head will be chop off". "Fine, he kissed me in the car." I sighed. "Oh my god, Sarah. Chase Hudson likes you!" Lauren exclaimed. "Jesus, Lauren. Keep it down low." I whispered. "Firstly he is not into me, and never will. Secondly, he's just being friendly... right?" I said unsurely. "Wrong. He gave you his blood, Sarah. He kissed you. Chase fucking Hudson is totally into you honey!" Lauren whispered-exclaimed. "Miss Betts, Miss Reynolds. You don't want detention do you?" A teacher came. We both shook our heads. "Go head to class, then." She said strictly. We both nod and walk away.

"See you later." Lauren waved as i arrived at my class. As i walk into the hall, the first person i saw was Anthony. Great. I pretended that i didn't saw him and kept walking. I walk to the furthest seat from him. As i walk up, he blocked me. "We both know that you saw me, Sarah." He said. I stayed looking down. "Come on, Sarah. Talk to me." He said. "Talk about what Anthony?!" I exclaimed as I rose my head. "Me and Cynthia are nothing." He sighed. "Now you're saying that you two were in the middle of doing sex was nothing?" I asked with my hands on my hips. He didn't response. "I TRUSTED YOU!" I yelled at him. "THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF CHASE ISN'T IT? WHAT HE TOLD YOU HUH? I STOLE HIS GIRLFRIEND? ANYTHING TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A BAD GUY?" Anthony yelled back. "He was there for me when you're fucking Cynthia, Ant. The blood that is God knows flowing in me was his!" I started to broke down."We both also know that he is using you Sar." Anthony smirked."Sarah!" I heard Payton's voice consumed the hall. "fuck off Anthony." Payton barked at Anthony and dragged me with him. 

"Did he hurt you?" Payton asked. I shook my head. As the hall was starting to fill up, my thoughts were consuming me. Payton kept checking me. Honestly, Payton is just like a little brother to me, he is always there when Chase isn't. "Is it true of what Anthony said about Chase? is he using me? Chase cares about me right?..." I thought. And the thoughts go on and on through the whole class. 

1081 words. 

author's note: aight. this chapter is kinda long ngl. hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote! i love ya'll!!

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