Just Relax

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A/N: Let's kick this off with a bang!

Art credit: Yuhime on Deviantart

*first person perspective*

I was freaking out, really bad. My first mission is coming up tomorrow morning, all the way over at King's Row. Why am I like this? I chose to become an Overwatch agent, if I back down on this one, Soldier 76 would kick me out! I'm trying hard to be brave, but I'm still shaking like a leaf. What if I let the team down? I'd be such a failure to them. At least if I mess up and get fired, there's one person I must see before I go.

I saw Hanzo sitting on his knees, inhaling and exhaling peacefully. He almost looked like a statue, keeping himself very still. I started to tiptoe over to him, only to think that this is not a good time for me to talk with him. I began to turn around, only for Hanzo's voice to stop me. "I can sense your presence, dear," his calm voice drifted through my ears. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," I mumbled out, "I'll leave you alone-" "Wait," he called out, interrupting me, "come sit beside me. I can feel that something is troubling you." As if he could see right through me, I caved and plonked down beside him. "Do you wish to talk about it?"

I told him everything, the mission, my insecurities, the whole story. "I'm scared that I won't live up to their expectations," I said. I felt Hanzo's hand upon my shoulder. "It is normal to feel that way, (Your name), I myself have gone through that too," he consoled me, "how do you think Tracer would have felt on her first mission?" Come to think of it, she did tell me she almost shit herself during her first mission stopping Null Sector. "She did say she almost threw up on the job," I chuckled. He laughed a little with me. "The main thing is, you need to be calm beforehand," Hanzo says, handing me a cup of hot green tea. I thanked him and took a sip. The liquid warmed up my insides and calmed my nerves. "Why don't you close your eyes, dear?" Hanzo asked, "I will teach you to meditate."

I sat with my legs crossed, finishing my tea in the process. I closed my eyes, forcing to loosen myself. I still was very tense... why wasn't it working? Am I just not ready at all? I suddenly felt two palms rest on my shoulders, gently swirling his fingers through my skin. "Just relax," his deep, almost gravelly voice whispered behind me, "feel the earth singing to you, little dragon. Listen to what they tell you... they say that you're going to do great." I sighed in content, cheeks tingling with pride. Hanzo is right, I can do this.

Hearing my alarm go off (which is Tracer), my heart thumped with anticipation and excitement. "Time for your big day, love!" she beamed. I mirrored her feelings, springing out of bed and changing into my uniform. Hanzo's words still echoed in my head. They say that you're going to do great... I AM going to do great, watch out, Talon!

The End!

A/N: Let me know what you think of this! More coming soon, cheers! :D

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