Black Out

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A/N: This one's one of my favourites to write~

 I could not find the artist who did this, but I found it on Twitter!

Edit: Yooo I finally found the artist of this gem! It's Hyunigraphy on Deviantart~

*first person perspective*

19:00 hours. I stared out the window of our dorm. Watching the rain hammer down on top of the roof, I started to worry... only a little. Hanzo placed his hands on my shoulders from behind, startling me. "Apologies, my love," he said, concern in his voice. I quickly gushed out that it was okay and poured myself another cup of green tea. Being considerate I poured a cup for Hanzo as well. He likes his tea... and sake, but mostly tea. I inhaled the steam from the tea, the herbal scent from mother nature herself filling my nostrils. With care, I walked slowly over to where Hanzo was sitting and passed him his tea. "Thank you, dear," he says. As we took the first sip of our hot drinks, the power suddenly cut out. We were ingulfed in darkness, barely seeing a thing.

A crash of thunder struck our ears, making me jump. I grasped my teacup, trembling. "Are you afraid of lightning?" he asked. "N-no!" I replied, "lightning's cool, and the dark isn't that bad either!... it's just when you're in the dark unexpectedly..." I trailed off, not saying anything else. "It is alright," Hanzo chuckled, "do not be scared, I am here. Why don't we sit down?" I nodded my head. I pulled out my phone, turning on the torch setting. The beam of light led us to the couch with the coffee table at the front. Sitting down, Hanzo's spirit dragons (or should I say, the noodle dragons~) decided to jump out of his tattoo. They are only out if Hanzo or me is in danger. "Don't worry, little guys!" I consoled, petting their glowing azure blue scales, "we're not in danger, it's just a blackout." The little dragons purred away, settling in my lap. "I will look for some candles," Hanzo got up from his spot, taking one of his dragons with his as a light.

He's been gone a while... where is he? It shouldn't take that long to find a few candles. What if something happened to him? I quickly jumped up form my seat, still holding the other dragon under my arm. "Hanzo?" I whispered out. I got no reply. My heart started to race as I looked further into the dorm. "Hanzo??" I called again, a tremor in my voice, "Han-!!" A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders. I let out a scream, surely thinking that I would die! "(Your name), it's me, it's me!" a familiar voice urged behind me. I turned around, giving a massive sigh of relief and hugged Hanzo in a vice grip. "I thought something terrible happened to you!" I sobbed out, "Jesus Christ, Hanny, you scared me half to death!" He hushed me softly, rocking me back and forth with one arm, as he has some candles in the other hand. As we embraced, Hanzo's dragons curled around us, keeping us safe from any further harm.

He lit up a few candles and placed them on the coffee table. We sat down once again on the couch, enjoying the sight of the flames dancing on the wicks. "Let's hope Athena can work her magic to get the power back on," I chuckled. "I hope so too," Hanzo agreed, "everyone else must be having the same problem as we are. But for now, let us enjoy each other's comfort." I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder. In turn, he wrapped his arms around me again, with his dragons returning to his tattoo.

A/N: I will eventually write a story on how you meet his noodle dragons later on! Stay lovely, cheers~

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