The Vampire's Pet

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A/N: Time for something spooky! Please Blizzard, give us this skin!! T-T

Art credit: Lizzart on Twitter

*first person perspective*

God knows how long I've been cooped up in this mansion with a vampire. The last thing I remember was getting robbed by these peasants and all of a sudden, they slumped to the ground like stones. It was all going all so fast, just a blur of action. When he brought me to his lavish home, I expected to be locked up and later starve to death. Instead, he made me stay in a luxurious bedroom full of jewellery, dresses and other gifts. He might've saved this for another person... and by person, it could mean another victim. I did my best not to anger him, I always did what he asked of me without question. If I were to keep my life, I would obey his every word. I barely remember the first sentence he spoke to me, on the verge of blacking out: "I saved you, now you belong to me."

I learnt that this vampire's name was Hanzo. He is always polite and calm when he is with me, but scary and menacing towards others. "Why do you seem at your least... mad when I'm in your presence?" I ask him one day. "Hm," he hummed, "I am not so sure... perhaps it is because you are a perfect distraction from my duties, an entertaining 'pet' to play with~" I gulped. That sounded a little unnerving yet enticing. Even if he is a couple centuries old, he was drop dead gorgeous. That wide smile showing his sharp canines drew me in. His blood-red eyes seemed to hypnotise me, made me want to do his every whim.

Hanzo's calm exterior shattered by an overwhelming pain. My eyes widened open in concern. "What's wrong?!" I cried. "Do not worry about me, little one," he groaned out. Those red eyes of his burned even more, revealing his true self. His fangs seemed sharper than razor blades. Hanzo needed to feed, and fast. "Hanzo." I held out my wrist in his direction. He snatched my arm up like a piece of meat and sank his fangs into the sensitive skin. I winced and let out a yelp of pain. Screwing my eyes shut, the pain dissipated into pure bliss, like I was walking on clouds. What was it? I expected pure agony from his bite... maybe it was from all that infatuation I have for him.

Finally, his mouth released his sucking on my wrist with a pop. As he licked his lips, that ecstatic feeling faded away, but it still left me dazed. "Are you alright, dear pet?" Hanzo asked. "Yeah... I feel grrrreat," I slurred dreamily. "Your blood... it is the sweetest I have ever consumed in my lifetime," he confessed, "I should definitely feed from you more often." I pulled my hair back, revealing my neck. "My, my~" Hanzo almost exclaimed, "as much as I'd like to that, I am certain I do not need any more. "I know," I replied, "do it again." There was a different expression on his face this time. Not of bloodthirstiness, or of surprise, but of pure lust. He vamp-sped over to where I stood. "Well then," he began, showing off those beautiful fangs once more, "perhaps I will not feed on you to satisfy my thirst, but just for fun, pet." With those final words, his teeth clamped down on my neck. I let out a moan, the ecstasy returning to my senses. Hanzo then vamp-sped me and him to his bedroom, still sucking on my blood. He laid me down, releasing his fangs from my neck, with his bite marks on it. I sighed in approval, my eyelids going heavy. "I will be sure to gift you with sweet dreams, my pet," Hanzo whispered, running his fingers through my hair, "dream of me, little one... goodnight."

The End!       

A/N: Come on October! Roll around faster! >:D

More will be coming soon! Stay lovely, cheers!

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